Page:The Books of Chronicles (1916).djvu/172

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[1]Talk ye of all his marvellous works.
10Glory ye in his holy name:
Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.
11Seek ye the LORD and his strength;
Seek his face evermore.
12Remember his marvellous works that he hath done;
His wonders, and the judgements of his mouth;
13O ye seed of Israel his servant,
Ye children of Jacob, his chosen ones.
14He is the LORD our God:
His judgements are in all the earth.
15Remember his covenant for ever,
The word which he commanded to a thousand generations;
16The covenant which he made with Abraham,
And his oath unto Isaac;
17And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a statute,
To Israel for an everlasting covenant:
18Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan,
The [2]lot of your inheritance:
19When ye were but a few men in number;

9. Talk ye] mg. Meditate. Meditation leads to fresh proclamation.

marvellous works] (cp. ver. 12). i.e. works beyond man's expectation; cp. Gen. xviii. 14, Is anything too hard (wonderful, R.V. mg.) for the LORD?

11. and his strength] Perhaps (altering only the points of the Heb. word) and be ye strong. So LXX. καὶ ἰσχύσατε (in Ps. cv. 4 καὶ κραταιώθητε). A promise is sometimes expressed in Heb. by the imperative.

12. His wonders] in particular, the marvels of the deliverance from Egypt; Ps. cv. 27—36.

13. of Israel] Ps. cv. 6, of Abraham.

14. His judgements are in all the earth] Cp. vv. 20—22.

15. Remember] Read (with Ps. cv. 8) He hath remembered. Cp. Ex. xxiv. 3—8, xxxiv. 10—27.

18. The lot] The Heb. word ("ḥebel") means a portion not assigned by lot but measured by line; cp. mg. Canaan is co-extensive with Israel's inheritance.

inheritance] All nations receive an inheritance from God; Deut. xxxii. 8.

19. When ye were] Ps. cv. 12, When they were.

  1. Or, Meditate
  2. Heb. cord, or, line.