Page:The Books of Chronicles (1916).djvu/417

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Abiathar, 39 f., 102, 120, 142, 167
Abib, 339
Abijah, 218 ff.
Abimelech (Ahimelech), 102, 120, 142
addīrīm, 273
Adullam, the cave of, 81, 88, 211
Adversary, the, see Satan
Ahab, 240 ff.
Ahaz, 292 ff.
Ahaziah (Jehoahaz), 263 ff., 284
Akaba, the Gulf of, 202
Alamoth, set to, 104
Alexander the Great, xv, xix, xlix, 4
Algum trees, 174, 204
Aliens in Israel, 98, 120, 134, 173, 176, 312
Altar of incense, the, 139, 162, 185, 289
Altar-pillars 83, 224, 313
Amaziah, 279 ff.
Ambushment, 223, 254
Amen, 111, 115
Amerce, 346
Ammon, Ammonites, 121, 125 f., 249, 291 f.
Amon, King of Judah, 329
Anachronisms, 164 f., 261
Anathoth, 84
Angel, 130 f.
Antonia, the Tower of, 163
Apes, 206
Arabians, l, 238, 287; invasion by, 226, 262 f.
Aram (= Syria), 9, 17, 119, 122
Aramaic, 9, 321
Ariel, 83
Ark, the, 94 ff., 101 ff., 186 ff., 339
Armourbearer, 74
Asa, 223 ff.
Asaph, 42 ff., 103, 107, 112, 145, 188
Ascent of the sepulchres, the, 324
Ashdod, 287
Asherim (Ashērah, Ashērim, Ashēroth), 224, 231, 237, 247, 277, 313, 320, 325 f., 331
Ashtaroth (Ashtoreth), 49, 75
Asshur-bani-pal, 6, 317, 327
Assyria, Assyrians, 8 f., 297 ff., 316 ff., 327
Assyrian monuments, 122, 206, 317, 320, 327
Athaliah, 266 ff.
Attent (= attentive), 194
Augury, 325
‘azārāh, 184, 250 f.
Azariah, another name for Uzziah, 23, 285
Azariah the prophet, li, 228 ff.
Baal (Baalim), use and disuse of the title, 22, 31, 59, 63, 180, 236, 275; the house of, 272; altars of, 325, 331
Babylon, 327; kings of, 351
Bädeker, Palestine, referred to, 32, 34, 47, 50, 57, 96, 99, 119 f., 150, 199, 211, 231 ff., 250, 264, 266, 287, 291, 297 f., 318, 320, 323