Page:The Books of Chronicles (1916).djvu/420

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Esarhaddon, 317, 327
Esdrelon (Esdraelon), 74, 171, 345
Ethan, 42 f., 103, 112, 145
Ethanim, 186
Ethiopia, Ethiopians, 6, 225 ff., 262
Eunuch, 159, 241
Euphemisms, 114, 258, 266, 277, 289
Euphrates, 116 ff., 122, 206, 344
Evil-Merodach (Amil-Marduk), 347, 351
Ezekiel (Jehezkel), 143
Ezion-geber, 202, 258
Familiar spirits, 325
Fasting, 76, 250
Father (= eponymous ancestor), 18; as a title of honour, 175
Fathers' houses, xvii, 34, 52
Feast of dedication, the, 195 f.
Feast of harvest, the, see Feast of weeks
Feast of tabernacles, the, 186, 196f.
Feast of unleavened bread, the, 310
Feast of weeks, the, 230, 314
Fir trees, 174
Folds, 323
Foreigners, see Aliens
Fortresses, 211, 224
Gad the seer, 130, 168, 305
Gates of the Temple, 68, 268 f., 272 f., 291
Gehenna (Gē-ben-hinnōm, Gē-hinnōm), 293
Genealogical Table of the Nations, 2 ff.
Genealogies, a prominent feature in Chronicles, xvi, xlvii; the practical purpose of, 1 f.
Genealogy, reckoning by, xvii, 35, 217
Genesis, stylistic similarity of Chron. to, 27
Gezer, 49, 199 f., 224
Giant, 126 f.
Gibeon, 169, 171
Gihon, the spring of, 323 f.
Gilboa, campaign of, 73 f.
Gilead, 17, 34 f.
Gimirrai, 4
Goliath, 126 f.
Governor of the city, 332
Governors, 205
Habor, 37
Hadarezer (= Hadadezer), 117, 124
Hadoram (Adoram, Adoniram), 210
Hagrites, 34, 36
Hamath, entering in of, 96, 196; (=mod. Hama), 117, 119
Hamath-zobah, 199
ḥamman, 224
Hanani the seer, 234
Handcock, Latest Light on Bible Lands, 317, 320, 327
Hanoch (Hanôkh) (= Enoch), 2, 11, 33
Harps, 96 f., 188
ḥāṣer, ḥāṣêrîm, 31, 184, 250 f.
hăṣōṣĕrāh, 230
Havvoth-Jair, 17 f.
Heart, the, considered as the seat of the mind, 113, 189, 220
Heaven, 296, 321
hebel, 108
He-goats (=jinn), 213
Heman, 42 f, 103, 112, 145, 188
Hercules, the temple of (Melkart), 180
Herodotus referred to, 4, 180, 317, 320, 344
Heroes, list of, 79 ff.
hēykāl, 163, 348
Hezekiah, 300 ff.; the great Passover of, 308 ff.; the prayer of, 321
ḥidoth, 203