Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/173

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Black Bean Soup

i pint black beans lg teaspoon pepper 2 quarts cold water ly teaspoon mustard 1 small onion Few grains cayenne 2 stalks celery, or 3 tablespoons butter ly teaspoon celery salt _ 116 tablespoons flour 1g tablespoon salt 2 ‘‘hard-boiled”’ eggs 1 lemon .

Soak beans over night; in the morning drain and add cold water. Slice onion, and cook five minutes with half the but- ter, adding to beans, with celery stalks broken in pieces, Simmer three or four hours, or until beans are soft; add more water as water boils away. Rub through a sieve, re- heat to the boiling-point, and add salt, pepper, mustard, and ~ cayenne well mixed. Bind with remaining butter and flour cooked together. Cut eggs in thin slices, and lemon in thin slices, removing seeds. Put in tureen, and strain the soup over them.

Baked Bean Soup

5 cups cold baked beans 2 tablespoons butter 8 pints water — 2 tablespoons flour 2 slices onion 1 tablespoon Chili sauce 2 stalks celery — Salt 114 cups stewed and strained Pepper tomatoes ' :

Put beans, water, onion, and celery in saucepan; bring to boiling-point and simmer thirty minutes. Rub through a sieve, add tomato, and Chili sauce, season to taste with salt and pepper, and bind with the butter and flour cooked together. Serve with Crisp Crackers.