Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/249

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Cannelon of Beef

2 Ibs. lean beef, cut from round 14 teaspoon onion juice , Grated rind 144 lemon | 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 tablespoon finely chopped Few gratings nutmeg parsley 1 teaspoon salt l egg ly teaspoon pepper

Chop meat finely, and add remaining ingredients in order given. Shape in a roll six inches long, place on rack in dripping- pan, and arrange over top slices. fat salt pork and bake thirty minutes. Baste every five minutes with one- fourth cup butter melted in one cup boiling water. Serve with Brown Mushroom Sauce I.

Roast Beef

The best cuts of beef for roasting are: tip or middle of sirloin, back of rump, or first three ribs. Tip of sirloin roast is desirable for a small family.. Back of rump makes a superior roast for a large family, and is more economical than sirloin. It is especially desirable where a large quan- tity of dish gravy is liked, for in carving the meat juices fol- low the knife. Rib roasts contain more fat than either of the others, and are somewhat cheaper.

To Roast Beef. Wipe, put on a rack in driphaay- -pan, skin side down, rub over with salt, and dredge meat and pan with flour. Place in hot oven, that the surface may be quickly seared, thus preventing escape of inner juices. After flour in pan is browned, reduce heat, and baste with fat which has tried out; if meat is quite lean, it may be neces- sary to put trimmings of fat In pan. Baste every ten min- utes; if this rule is followed, meat will be found more juicy. When meat is about half done, turn it over and dredge with _ flour, that skin side may be uppermost for final browning. For roasting, consult Time Table for Baking Meats, page 30. If there is danger of flour burning in pan, add a small quantity of water; this, however, is not desirable, and seldom need be done if size of pan is adapted to size of roast. Beef to be well roasted should be started in hot oven and heat decreased, so that when carved the slices will be red through- out, with a crisp layer of golden brown fat on the top.