Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book.djvu/724

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Eggs, Keeping, Ways of, 95. Lucanian, 103. Mornay, 105. Planked, 95. : Poached, & la Reine, 96. Poached, & la Tripe, 97. Poached, with Clam Soup, 131. Boneh et with Sauce Béarnaise, 8. Scalloped, 101. Serambled, 98. Scrambled, Country Style, 99. Scrambled, with Anchovy Toast, 99. ee with Calf’s Brains, 557. Sneed, with Sweetbreads, 557. Scrambled, with Tomato Sauce, 98. . , Shirred, 97. Stuffed, 102. Stuffed, in a Nest, 102. Suzette, 96. Waldorf Style, 98. with Spinach 4 la Martin, 107. Election Cake, 505. Emergency Biscuit, 71. Endive, 290. English Fruit Cake, 521. - Meat Pie, 472. Monkey, 563. Plum Pudding I, 404. Plum Pudding II, 404. Entire Wheat Paste, 465. Entrées, 348-389. Apple Fritters I, 349. Apple Fritters IT, 349. Apple Fritters III, 349. saps Jelly, 382. Baba Cakes, 388. Baba Cakes with Apricots, 389. Banana Croquettes, 354. Banana Fritters I, 349. Banana Fritters II, 350. — Beef and Rice Croquettes, 359. Birds in Aspic, 383. Birds on Canapés, 375. Bouchées, 379. Breast of Quail Lucullus, 376. Bunuelos, 362. Calf’s Brain Fritters, 354. Cauliflower Fritters, 350. Chaud-froid of Chicken, 385. Chaud-froid of Eggs, 386. Cheese Balls, 377. Cheese Croquettes, 355. Cheese Fondue, 377. Cheese Soufflé, 377. Cheese Soufflé with Pastry, 381. Entrées, Cherry Fritters, Maras chino Sauce, 351. Chestnut Croquettes, 355. Chestnut Roulettes, 355. Chicken 4 la McDonald, 374. Chicken and Mushroom Cro- quettes, 360. Chicken Croquettes I, 360. Chicken Croquettes II, 360. Chicken Cutlets, 373. Chicken in Aspic} 383. Chicken, Lenox, 387. nonenee Livers en Brochette, Chicken Mousse, 374. ~ -Chieken Timbales I, 365. Chicken Timbales II, 366. Chicken Timbales III, 366. Chocolate Fritters with Vanilla Sauce, 353. Cigarettes 4 la Prince Henry, 380. Clam Fritters, 354. Coffee Fritters, Coffee Cream Sauce, 353. ombee of Rice with Peaches, Carnet of Rice with Pears, 378. | Crab Meat, Indienne, 368. Crab Meat, Terrapin Style, 370. Cromesquis 4 la Russe, 369. Croustades of Bread, 378. Cutlets of Chicken, 372. Cutlets of Sweetbreads 4 la Vic- toria, 361. Devilled Crabs, 368. 'Devilled Oysters, 368. Devilled Scallops, 369. Egg Custard for Decorating, 384. Epigrams of Sweetbread, 361. Farina Cakes with Jelly, 352. Fillets of Chicken, 374. | Fillets of Game, 373. Flaites, 388. Fried Celery, 350. Fruit Fritters, 350. , Gnocchi 4 la Romaine, 352. Halibut Marguerites, 369._ Halibut Timbales I, 364. Halibut Timbales II, 364. Ham Timbales, 366. Jellied Vegetables, 385. Lamb Chops, Pan Broiled, 4 la Lucullus, 376. Lamb Croquettes, 359. Lenten Croquettes, 355. Lincoln Croquettes, 361. Lobster Cream I, 365. Lobster Cream II, 365.