Page:The Boston cooking-school cook book (1910).djvu/698

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Dinde sauce céleri. Turkey with celery sauce.

Écossaise (à l'). In Scottish style.

En bellevue. In Aspic jelly. Applied to meats.

En coquilles. In shells.

En papillotes. In papers.

Eperlans frits. Fried smelts.

Espagnole sauce. A rich brown sauce.

Farci-e. Stuffed.

Fillet de bœuf piqué. Larded fillet of beef.

Flammande (à la). In Holland style.

Foie de veau grillé. Broiled liver.

Fondue. A dish prepared of cheese and eggs.

Fraises. Strawberries.

Frappé. Semi-frozen.

Fricassée de poulet. Fricassee of chicken.

Fromage. Cheese.

Gateau. Cake.

Gelée. Jelly.

Génevoise (à la). In Swiss style.

Glacé. Iced or glossed over.

Grilled. Broiled.

Hachis de bœuf. Beef hash.

Hoe cakes. Cakes made of white corn meal, salt, and boiling water, cooked on a griddle.

Homard. Lobster.

Hors-d'œuvres. Side dishes.

Huîtres en coquille. Oysters in shell.

Huîtres frites. Fried oysters.

Italienne (à l'). In Italian style.

Jambon froid. Cold ham.

Jardinière. Mixed vegetables.

Kirschwasser. Liqueur made from cherry juice.

Kuchen. German for cake.

Kümmel. Liqueur flavored with cumin and caraway seed.

Lait. Milk.

Laitue. Lettuce.

Langue de bœuf à l'écarlate. Pickled tongue.

Macaroni au fromage. Macaroni with cheese.

Macédoine. A mixture of several kinds of vegetables.

Maigre. A vegetable soup without stock.

Maître d'hôtel. Head steward.

Mango. A fruit of the West Indies, Florida, and Mexico.

Mango pickles. Stuffed and pickled young melons and cucumbers.

Maraschino. A cordial.

Marrons. Chestnuts.

Menu. A bill of fare.

Moru. Salt cod.

Noël. Christmas.

Noir. Black.

Nouilles. Noodles.

Noyau. A cordial.

Œufs farcis. Stuffed eggs.

Œufs pochés. Poached eggs.

Omelette aux fines herbes. Omelet with fine herbs.

Omelette aux champignons. Omelet with mushrooms.

Pain. Bread.

Panade. Bread and milk cooked to a paste.

Paté de biftecks. Beefsteak pie.

Paté de fois gras. A paste made of fatted geese livers.

Pigeonneaux. Squabs.

Pois. Peas.

Pommes. Apples.

Pommes de terre. Potatoes.

Pommes de terre à la Lyonnaise. Lyonnaise potatoes.

Pone cakes. A cake made in the South, baked in the oven.

Potage. Soup

Poulets sautés. Fried chicken.

Queues de bœuf. Ox-tails.

Ragoût. A highly seasoned meat dish.

Réchauffés. Warmed over dishes.

Removes. The roasts or principal dishes.

Ris de veau. Sweetbreads.

Salade de laitue. Lettuce salad.

Salade de légumes. Vegetable salad.

Salpicon. Highly seasoned minced meat mixed with a thick sauce.

Selle de venaison. Saddle of venison.

Sippets. English for croûtons.

Soufflé. Literally, puffed up.

Soup à l'ognon. Onion soup.

Sucres. Sweets.

Tarte aux pommes. Apple pie.

Tourte. A tart

Trout saumonée. Salmon trout.