Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/109

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810. Carex acuta.

In the Skern near Darlington.—W. Backhouse, jun.

811. Carex paludosa.

In Bogs and on the Banks of slow Streams.

812. Carex riparia.

In Bogs and on the Banks of slow Streams.

813. Carex vesicaria.

On the Banks of Team; also near Castle Eden and Darlington, D. In Heaton Wood and at Prestwick Carr, N.

814. Carex ampullacea.

On the Banks of Lakes, Rivers, and in Bogs, N. and D.

815. Carex hirta.

In Bogs and marshy Meadows.


816. Littorella lacustris.

At Prestwick Carr, N.

817. Betula alba.

In Woods and Hedges.

Betula alba, var. β.

In Woods.

818. Betula alnus.

On the Banks of Rivers.

819. Urtica pilulifera.

On the Ballast Hills of Tyne and Wear.