Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/121

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904. Blechnum boreale.—Eng. Bot. t. 1159. Osmunda spicant.—Bolt. Fil. t. 6.

In Woods and on Moors.

905. Pteris aquiline.—Bolt. Fil. t. 10.

On Moors and in Woods.

906. Pteris crispa.—Eng. Bot. t. 1140. Osmunda crispa.—Bolt. Fil. t. 7.

On Rocks at Crag Lake, and at the Foot of Cheviot above Langley Ford, N. In Waskerly Park, and on Stone Walls in Teesdale Forest, D.

907. Cyathea fragilis. Polypodium fragilis.—Bolt. Fil. t. 27.

In Cawsey Wood; on Walls at Beamish and Stanhope; on Rocks at the Gunner's Pool in Castle Eden Dean; and in Ravensworth Woods, D. On Rocks at Shewing Shields, and near Tecket Water Fall, N.

908. Cyathea dentata. Polypodium dentatum.—Dicks. Crypt. t. 7, f. 1.

On Rocks between Widdy Bank and Caldron Snout, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

909. Pilularia globulifera.—Eng. Bot. t. 521. Bolt. Fil. t. 40.

At Prestwick Carr, N.