Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/267

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1867. Mucor glaucus. Sow. t. 378. f. 9.

On rotton Apples

1868. Mucor roridus.—Bolt. 132. 4. Bull. 280. 1.

On Horse dung.

1869. Mucor urceolatus—Bolt. 133. 1. Sow. t. 300. Dicks. Crypt. t. 3. f. 6.

On Horse Dung.

1870. Mucor botrytis.—Sow. 4. 359. Bolt. 132. 3. Bull. 504. 7.

On the Stems of Thlaspi Bursa-pastoris.

1871. Mucor caseus.—Bull. 504. 2.

On decayed Cheese.

1872. Mucor chrysospermus.—Sow. t. 378. f. 13. Bull. 476. 4. and 504. 1.

On decayed Boleti.

1873. Mucor lignifortnis.—Sow. t. 378. f. 14. Bull. 504. 6.

In Longacre Wood, D.

1874. Uredo frumenti.—Sow. t. 140.

On the Stalk and Leaves of Wheat.

1875. Xylostroma giganteum.—Sow. t. 358.

On decayed Oak in Woods.

1876. Aecidium cardui.—Sow. t. 398. f. 5.

On Carduus arvensis.

1877. Rhizomorpha dichotoma.—Sow. t. 298.

On Timber in the Weardale and Allendale Lead Mines, D. & N. In the Teeadale Mines, D.—Rev. J. Harriman.

1878. Rhizomorpha spinosa.—Sow. t. 299.

On Timber in the Weardale and Allendale Lead Mines, D. and N. In Charnberry Lead Mine, Teesdale, D. Rev. J. Harrimam.

1879. Rhi-