Page:The Botanist's Guide Through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham (Vol 1).djvu/76

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498. Ranunculus Flammula.

In marshy Places, frequent.

499. Ranunculus Lingua.

In Ditches at Prestwick Carr, In Ponds at Wide Haugh near Dilston, and in Bogs at the West End of Little Cow Lake, N. Near Darlington, D.—W. Weighell.

500. Ranunculus Ficaria.

In Woods and on Hedge Banks.

501. Ranunculus auricomus.

In Woods and shady Hedges.

502. Ranunculus sceleratus.

In Ponds, Ditches, and watery Places.

503. Ranunculus bulbosus.

In Meadows and Pastures.

504. Ranunculus repens.

In moist Meadows and Pastures.

505. Ranunculus acris.

In Meadows and Pastures, common.

Ranunculus acris, var. Fl. pl.

In Meadows at Mill Green near Ravensworth, D.

506. Ranunculus arvensis.

In Corn Fields, frequent.

507. Ranunculus parviflorus.

Near Cockerton, D.—W. Backhouse, jun.

508. Ranunculus hederaceus.

In watery Places, Ditches, and by Springs.

509. Ranunculus aquatilis.

In Ditches and Ponds.