Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/146

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[Auckland and

Var. y, major ; foliis majoribus latioribus luride viridibus, dentibus 8 gerninatis. (Tab. LVil. Fig.LV. 6.)

Hab. Lord Auckland's group; vars. a and /3, in spongy bogs and in boles of trees in the woods, frequent. Campbell's Island ; var. a, not uncommon ; and var. /3, in the wet and wooded valleys, on the ground.

From its northern ally, 8. mnioides, this species differs, both in the structure of the peristome and in the shorter calyptra, which is mitraeform and inflexed at the base; also in the carinate leaves. The inflorescence appears truly monoicous, once only we found a hermaphrodite flower. In the varieties a and 0, the theca varies greatly in form, and the columella is either included or exserted. In var. y, the leaves are often very large, and the teeth connive so closely as to appear but 8, which are separable into 16 ; they are pale yellow, each with a faint middle line: when dry they are erect, recurved or reflexed, and generally of a purple brown colour.

Plate LVJLL. Fig. IT. — 1, a small tuft of var. /3, of the natural size ; 2, a leaf ; 3, a capsule; 4, teeth; 5, a calyptra ; — magnified : 6, a plant of var. y, of the natural sice ; 7, a leaf; 8, a capsule ; and 9, teeth of the same : — magnified.

5. DBYPTODON, Br id.

Peristomium simplex. Dentes sedecim, inaequaliter bifidi, v. apice lacero-fissi. Calyptra mitrreformis, basi lacera. Theca aequalis, annulata. Brid. Bryol. Univ., vol. i. p. 191.

This genus is perhaps not distinct from Grimmia,

1. Dryptodon" cmpidus, Hook. fil. et V"ils.; caule fastigiatim rarnoso, foliis ovato-oblongis acuminatis v. e basi ovata gradatini subulato-acivminatis carinatis nervo percurrente, seta perbrevi, theca elliptica, operculo rostrato. (Tab. LVIL Fig. IX.)

Hab. Campbell's Island; on alpine rocks.

Caules laxe caespitosi, superne fastigiatim ramosi, subrigidi, Folia erecto-patentia, subrecurva, margine basi reflexa, fcrma sat varia, superiora longiora, apice subdiaphana, vix pilifera, nervo valido continuo instructa, flavoviridia, siccitate crispatula erecta ; pericluetialia breviora, elliptico-oblonga, obtusa v. acuta. Seta vix lineam longa, foliis immersa, pallida, tandem lateralis. Theca erecta v. incliuata, elliptico-oblonga, fusco-lutea. Peristoma dentes vix ad medium fissi, rufi, coimiventes, siccitate reflexi. Operculum conico-rostratiun, rectum, theca -| brevius. Calyptra conico-mitrasformis, subpkcata, costata, fusca, basi lacera et inflexa, opercido paido longior. Annulus parvus. The foliage of this moss bears a considerable resemblance to that of Eacomitrium fasciculare, from which it differs in the very short seta, pale elliptical theca, and in the peristome being truly that of a Dryptodon.

Plate LVIL Fig. IX. — 1, a specimen of the natural size; 2, a cauline leaf; 3 and 4, pericluetial leaves; 5, theca; 6, operculum ; 7, teeth; 8, calyptra: — magnified.


Peristomium simplex. Dentes sedecim ad basin usque bi-tri-quadripartiti, cruribus nliformibus conjuncti. Calyptra mitrKformis v. campanulata et subulata, theca brevior, basi lacera. Theca aequalis exanuulata.

1. KACOiirntiuii lanuginosum, Bridel, Bryol. Univ. vol. i. p. 215. Triehostomum, Iledtr. Muse. Frond. vol. iii. p. 3. t. 2. Hook, et Tayl. Muse. Brit. p. 105. t. 19.

Hab. Campbell's Island ; amongst tufts of grass at the foot of precipices, rare and barren.

This does not appear to differ from European specimens.