Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/151

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Campbell’s Islands.]

Theca suberecta, curvata, brunnea, siccitate infra orem contracta, denmni obscure striata. Bentes suberecti, inciirvi, rubri. Operculum capsulani sequans, rostro gi'acili, curvato.

The above description has been drawn up from original specimens, gathered by Mr. Mcnzies (during Vancouver's Voyage) in Dusky Bay, New Zealand. This plant differs from B.fasciatum, Hedw. (Sp. Muse. p. 127. t. 28.), in the longer, more setaceous, nerved leaves, solitary seta, and oblong theca. Two closely allied forms occur in Herb. Hook., one having longer stems and more rigid, lurid green leaves, suddenly dilated at the base ; the other with lax spreading foliage.

Plate LVIII. Fig. IV. — 1, plant of the natural size; 2, part of branch with theca; 3, leaf; 4, lower part of ditto ; 5, theca : — magnified.

2. Diceanum pungens, Hook. fil. et Wils. ; caule elongate subramoso, foliis secundis patentibus lineari-lanceolatis attenuatis convolutis apice carinatis serrulatis tenuinerviis, perichsetialibus elongatis convolutis, seta mediocri torta, tlieca inelinata oblonga curvula, operculo longirostro. (Tab. LIX. Fig. I.)

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island; barren in the latter locality.

Caules 3-4-unciales, robusti, erecti v. curvati, parcc ramosi. Folia 4-5 lin. longa, conferta, patentia, subrigida, inferiora subscpiarrosa, superiors dense congesta, supra carinata, marginibus apices versus dorsoque serratis, plerumque arete convolutis, nervo tenui, luteo-vii'idia, nitida, siccitate supra medium torta ; periclia/ialia intima 8 lin. longa, enervia, convoluta, integerrima. Seta interduni binse, 8-9 lin. longse, graciles, subflexuosa?, rubra?, siccitate tortae. Tlieca parvula, elliptico-oblonga, subcurvata, basi vix strumosa, rufo-bruimea, siccitate infra orem contracta. Denies pro genere parvi, conniventes, demum supra medium fissi, ferruginei. Operculum (delapsum) theca longius, curvirostrum. Calyptra straminea.

This very handsome species resembles the B. Blumii, Schwaeg. (Suppl., vol. ii. pt. 2. p. 116. 1. 185), inaccurately described as nerveless, but differs essentially in the form of the theca. B. Billardieri has shorter and broader leaves, and larger theca?. In B. setosum, nobis, a nearer ally, the leaves are more setaceous and fragile, the nerve broader, and occupying the whole breadth towards the apex, the capsule is longer and more curved, the peristome larger and of a red colour, and the seta not twisted when dry.

Plate LIX. Fig. I — 1, a specimen of the natural size ; 2, front, and 3, back view of a leaf; 4, young theca; 5, martvre ditto ; 6, teeth : — magnified.

3. Dicraxoi Billardieri, Schwaeg. ; caule elongato dichotome ramoso, foliis subsecundis basi lanceolatis longe acuminatis denticulatis, theca strumosa, operculo longirostro. D. Billardieri, Schwaeg. Suppl. vol. ii. pt. 1. p. 70. t. 121.

Var. 0, dwriuseulum ; caule humili fastigiatim ramoso, foliis magis rigiclis attenuatis, nervo latiore, seta longiore.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; on the ground and dead trunks of trees in woods, both varieties.

The habit of the var. ft which also grows on the more exposed uplands, is rather peculiar ; still we can find no specific distinction between them. The B. Nova Hollander, Hornsch., does not appear different from this species.

4. Dicrantjm setosum, Hook. til. et Wils. ; caule fragili subramoso, foliis strictis fragihbus suberectis longissime lanceolato-setaceis apice serrulatis nervo latiusculo subexcurrente, seta longiuscula, theca oblonga curvata, operculo longirostro. (Tab. LVIII. Pig. V.)

Var. p, attenuatum ; caule flexOi elongato ramoso. (Tab. LVIII. Eg. V. 2.)