Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/158

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[Auckland and

1. Leucodon Lagurus, Hook.; caule rarnoso toinentoso, foliis irnbricatis ovatis coneavis aciuninatis piliferis seminerviis, theca erecta cylindracea, operculo acnjninato. L. Lagurus, Hook. Muse. Exot. t. 136. Sckwaeg. Swppl. vol. i. pt. 1. p. 121. 1. 133.

Var. /3, foliis ruajoribus ima basi biuerviis.

Hab. Campbell's Island; on rocks, at an elevation of 1000 feet, barren.

In the original specimens the leaves are generally nerved half-way up ; in the present they possess two very short nerves ; but the variety is not otherwise distinguishable from the Antarctic American plant.

23. LESKIA, Hedmg.

Peristomium duplex ; exterius dentes sedeeim acuti ; interim membrana in dentibus sedecim ajquilongis fissa. Calyptra cucnlliformis.

1. Leskia concinna, Hook. ; caule erecto bipinnatim ramoso, foliis distickis oblongis acuminatis marginatis apice serratis evanidinerviis stipulis conformibus duplo brevioribus, theca suberecta oblonga, operculo subulato. L. concinna, Hook. Muse. Exot. t. 34. Sckicaeg. Siippl. t. 269. Hvpopterygiuni, Bridel, Bryol. Univ. vol. ii. p. 711.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group; shady rocks on the tops of the lulls, altitude 1200-1100 feet.

This moss, which is furnished with accessory leaves (stipules) on the lower surface of the stem, belongs to the same group as Hypnum landman, Hook. (Muse. Exot. t. 35), and L. rotulata, Hedw., they should perhaps be separated from Leskia and from LTookeria, to which they are in some respects allied. Bridel's genus Hypopterygium is so constructed as not to admit of these, the fertile flowers being lateral and not covered by the stipules, and the ealyptra truly dimidiate instead of mitriform. In Pterigynandrum ciliatum, Hedw., which has the habit of this group, the peristome is single.

2. Leskia tamariscina, Hedw. ; caule flabellatim ramoso, ramis subdivisis, fobis disticliis oblicpie lanceolatis serrulatis evanidinerviis, stipulis rotundatis rnucronatis, theca oblonga subpendula, operculo conico rostellato. L. tamariscina., Hedw. Sjj. Muse. p. 212. t. 51. (excl. si/n. Swartziifid. Hook.). H-qioptery- gium, Brid. Bryol. Univ. vol. ii. p. 715.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group; barren. {Br.Lyall.)

According to the remark in Hooker's Muse. Exot. (sub. t. 35), the name Leskia tamariscina of Swartz (Fl. Ind. Occ), should be substituted for that of L. rotulata, Hedw. We are not aware that any subsequent author has noticed the curious tubular setiform processes in the axillae of the leaves and sometimes of the stipides in this moss.

3. Leskia Novee-Hottandia, Sckwaeg. ; caule erecto siinplici, foliis disticliis oblongo-lanceolatis apice denticulatis nervo in cuspidem excurrente, seta basilari elongata, theca ascendente cylindracea. L. Novje Hollandia?, Sckwaeg. Snjgj?. vol. i. pt. 2. p. 160. t. 83. Rliizogonium, Brid. Bryol. Univ. vol. 2. p. 664.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; on the trunks of trees in the deepest and darkest recesses of the woods; scarce and barren.

21. HYPNUM, Bill.

Peristomium duplex ; exterius dentes sedecim, lanceolati, reflexdes ; interim membrana carinata, in cilia totidem interdum pertusa ciliolis interjectis fissa. Calyptra cucidliformis. — Isothecium, Hypmmi et Stereodon, Bridel.