Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/179

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Campbell's Islands.]

40. Jungermannia coaUta, Hook.; Muse. Exot. t. 123. Cheiloscyphus, auctomm.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; on the trunks of dead trees, &c, in the woods.

41. Jungermannia sinuosa, Hook.; Muse. Exot. 1. 113. Cheiloscyphus, auctomm.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; at the roots of trees, growing mixed with mosses.

Our specimens are quite white, the leaves, and especially the stipules, broader than in the figure quoted above; the latter renifonn, with shorter laciuias.

42. Jungerman^iia leiicoplujlla, Hook. fil. et Tayl. ; laxe esespitosa, caulibus erectis elongatis subramosis gracilibus, foliis arete imbricatis patentibus membranaceis convexis subtriangularibus una cum stipulis coahtis marginibus recurvis ciliato-dentatis, stipulis oblongis erectis margimbus recurvis eroso-dentatis, calyce elongate oblongo compresso bilabiato labiis denticulatis, perigonii foliis confertis abbreviatis. (Tab. LXV. Kg. IT.)

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; on the ground in the woods, generally mixed with other species.

Caules laxe csespitosi, dispersi, flavo-fusci v. pallide brunnei, tenues, curvati, vage ramosi, vix 1 unc. lati, cum foliis stipulisque subtrigoni. Folia una cum stipulis in laminam triangidarem horizontaliter patentem perfoliatam oinnino coahta, margiuibus recurvis seu potius deflexis, substantia tenera pellucida laxe cellulosa. Perigonia terminaha v. lateralis, raniis angustiora, conspicua, fohis brevioribus quam foha cauhna magisque confertis. Antkera 3-4, pedicellata?, minimse.

A well marked and beautiful species.

Plate LXV. Fig. IT. — 1, a specimeu of the natural size ; 2, front, 3, back, and 4, side view of a branch magnified.

43. Jungermannia fissistipa, Hook. fil. et Tayl.; caule prostrato subranioso, foliis disticlris oblique patentibus densis arete imbricatis ovatis obtusis apices versus grosse dentatis, marginibus decurvis inferiore integerrimo basi decurrente, superiore cum stipula rotundata fimbriato-lacera coalito. Cheiloscyphus fissi- stipus, Gottsche, Lehn. et Lincl. Spec. Hepat. (ined.)

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; on the dead and decaying trunks of trees, in the woods.

This beautiful and strongly scented species is a near ally of /. coalita, Hook. ; but hi that the leaves are simply bifid at the apex, in this they are toothed repeatedly, and the stipides are much more divided, besides being generally distinctly bifid at the apex owing to the terminal pah of teeth being more remote than the others.

(10. Lepidozea, Dumorf.)

44. Jtjngermannia lamfolia, Hook. fil. et Tayl. ; esespitosa, implexa, caule elongato pinnate, rarnis breviusculis patentibus attenuatis recurvis, foliis stipulisque quadrato-rotundatis quadrifidis rarius tri-quinquefidis segmentis acutis incurvis, calyce in ramis inferioribus abbreviatis terminali lanceolato acuminato sub orem denticulatum plicato.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island; at the roots of trees, &c, abundant.

Caspites plani, appressi, subdensi, dilute flavo-brunnei v. olivacei. Caules graciles, 1-2 unc. longi, ramis divaricatis. Folia horizontaliter patentia, caide oblique inserta, remota, lsevia, pallida, pellucida. Stipula magnituchnjs fohi. Perichatium perbreve, e foliis paucis erectis appressis quam fohis caulims minus profimde sectis. Capsula cyliudracea ; semina numerosa, luride-brunnea, globosa ; Jila spiraliter torta, elongata, helice duphci.