Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/192

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[Auckland and

gathered,' belongs to 'the species quoted above. The stem is either equal or attenuated upwards, generally, smooth, except towards the base, where it is at times clothed with cottony filaments which spread over the soil.


1. Cladosporitjii herbarum, Link, 06s. II. p. 37.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island; on the leaves of Carer appressa, B^. w nvtg :V ,

This fungus originates beneath the cuticle, in slender dull black parallel lines ; it afterwards forces i itself through to the surface and resembles some Puccinia. No characters exist to distinguish it- as a species,: though its haWteJs very peculiar. . , , ,


1. Hendersonia microsticta, Berk.; peritlieciis sparsis punctiformibus atris globosis minutis, sporis lanceolatis acutis triseptatis. (Tab. LXVLlL Fig. I.)

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island ; on the withered stems of Chrysobactron Bossii of the previous year's growth.

Perithecia parva, epidermide tecta, subprominula, atra, globosa. Spores pellucida?, irregulares v. r lanceqlatae. utrinque acuta?, triseptatae, quandoque breyiter pedicellatse ; endochromio cellulis conformi.

There are no external characters by which this maybe discriminated from several other black punetiform.FV«y<'. The structure of the spores indicates a total want of affinity with Splueria ; theses, under a low power, appear, .nuilti-septate or triguttate ; but, with a higher lens and well adjusted light, each is seen to be furnished with three transparent septa : their shape is that of Neottiospora.

Plate LXVIII. Fig. I. — 1, stem of Chrysobactron with fungus of the natural size ; 2, a portion Of the same', magnified.

4. UEEDO, Pers. , - . , v „ . a

1. Uredo antarctica, Berk. ; amphigena, maculis oppositis purpureis, soris bullatis, sporis majusculis laevibus late obovatis fuscis. (Tab. LXVIII. Fig. II.)

Hab. Campbell's Island ; on leaves of Luzula crhiita. Amphigena ; maculis parvis, oppositis, subrotundatis, purpureis, subtus pallidioribus. Sori bullati. .Spores obsoletissinise, pedicellate, obovatae v. subglobosa?, laeves, guttula centrak' oleosa prsediti. External appearance very closely resembling the Cceoma Luzida, Libert., but the form of the spores is quite different, and also like Credo oblongata, which likewise grows upon Luzula, but is a very different parasite.

Plate LXVIII. Tig. II. — 1, leaf of Luzula with fungus of natural size ; 2, portion of ditto, magnified ; 3, spores very highly magnified.

5. SPILEMA, Hall.

I. Sph^eria herbarum, Pers. Synops. p. 79. {quoad var. y, tectam), Fr. Syst. Myc. vol. ii. p. 511. Notaris in Act. Acad. Turin, vol. vii. p. 30. cum analyst optima. (Tab. LXVIII. Fig. III.)

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island ; on the scapes of Chry'sobactroto Bossii with Henderson ia m icrosticta.