Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/219

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Campbell's Islands.]

2. Coxpekva verticittata, Hook. fil. et Harv.; csespitosa, filis gracillimis strictis parurn divisis, ramis lateralibus simplicissiinis longissimis erectis strictis oppositis ternis quateniisve, articulis fili primarii cliametro multoties, ramorum quadruplo, longioribus pellucidis.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; on rocks in tbe sea, very abundant.

Fila tenuissima, 4 unc. longa, rigidula, simplicia v. parum divisa, erecta, stricta, ramis lateralibus ornata. Rami saepius terni quaternive, verticillati, rarius bini, rarissime alterui, longissimi, filo primario longiores, erecti, strictissimi, simplices, ramulis omnino destituti, apice sphacelati. Articuli fili primarii diametro 7-8-plo longiores, clavati, geniculis nodosis, ramorum cylindracei diametro 3-4-plove longiores. Color siccitate luride viridis, opaca; planta vivente pallida, subhyalina. — Chartse laxe adhseret.

Very nearly allied to C. JlageUiformis, Sulir, a native of the Cape of Good Hope, agreeing with that plant in the remarkable ramification, but differing in the more slender habit, not being one half the diameter, and in having much larger articulations, especially on the main threads, which are singularly clavate with swollen joints, a character we do not observe in any states of C. JlageUiformis. It cannot be confounded with any other species of the genus.

36. CODIUM, Stack.

1. Codiuji tomentosum, Stack., Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 185. 1. 19. Hook. Br. Fl. vol. ii. p. 318. Mont. in Voy. an Pole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 35.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group ; very abundant.

Equally abundant in the Antarctic as in the Northern Seas. Montague gives the C. adherens, Ag., as a native of this group.

37. ULVA, L.

1. Ulva latissima, Linn., Flor. Suec. no. 1159. Mont. Toy. au Bole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 33.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island; most abundant. The U. reticulata, Forsk., is mentioned by Montague as a native of this group.

38. POKPHYRA, Agarih.

1. Porphyra capmsis, Kiitzing.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Islaud ; on rocks in the sea.

This differs from the European P. vulgaris in the rigid texture of the frond, which is not always simple in the Cape of Good Hope specimens. The P. columbina, Mont., appears to be the same plant.

39. SCHIZONEMA, Agardh.

1. Schizoneiia crisjiitm, Mont.; "filis csespitosis viridibus crispatissimis apice penicillato-ramosis, ramis obtusis, cymbellis subparallelogrammis." Mont. Prodr. PJiyc. Antarct. p. 16. Voy. au Pole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 2.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group; on the fronds of the smaller Alga.

We have observed what we take to be this species, together with an Aelinanthes and several other imperfect Diatomacea, upon Ptilota formosissima and some of the filamentous Alga, amongst which is probably the Aclinanthes brevipes, Aa'.