Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/291

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Falklands, etc.]

3. Vicia Patagonica, Hook. fil. ; parce pilosa, caule erecto angulato vix alato parce ramoso, stipulis late semisagittatis interdum dentatis apicibus lobuloque deflexo acutis, petiolo breviusculo subangulato in cirrhum simplicem desiuente, foliolis 1-2-jugis alternis oppositisque obovato-oblongis integerrimis ad apices rotundatis retusis dentatisve utrinque subsericeo-pilosis, pedunculis petiolo longioribus sericeis axillaribus 1-2-floris, calyce sericeo breviter quinquefido vexillo erecto ter breviore.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens, Port Famine ; Capt. King.

Caules spithainasi, quam in prsecedentibus robustiores, substricti. Folia suberecta ; stipula 1-^ lin. long*, semi-sagittate v. triangulares, interdum grosse dentate, segmentis omnibus acutis ; petioli vix i unc. longi, cirrho brevi; foliola J— f unc. longa, Pedunculi longitudine varii, petiolo semper longiores. Flores ut in prsecedente.

This differs from the V. bidentata, Hook., not only in the same points, except the ch'rhi, as the last species, but in the few leaflets. The broad leaflets, simple cirrhi and differently shaped stipules, short and erect petioles, well distinguish it from V. Kingii. Though these three plants have much affinity, I consider them distinct; having compared them with extensive suites of the Chilian and Buenos Ayrean species, with none of which they accord. Some of the latter again, are very widely dispersed, and it appears to me probable, that more than one Chilian species is common also to North America, and to the higher mountains of Mexico, Columbia and Peru.

3. LATHYRUS, Linn.

1. Lathyrus Magellanieits, Lam.; glaberrimus, nigricans, caule subrecto angulato ramoso, stipulis late oblongo-ovatis, foliolis plerumque latioribus subacutis basi contractis costatis utrinque in lobulis 2 acutis divaricatis productis, cirrbis trifidis, foliolis elliptico-oblongis lanceolatisve plemmqne apiculatis 3-5-nerviis, pedunculis folio longioribus versus apices 3-4-floris. L. Magellanicus, Lam. Encyclop. Meth. vol. ii. p. 708. DC. Prod,: v. ii. p. 370. Sweet, Br. Ft. Gard. 2nd Ser. t. 344.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens ; Commerson.

Spitharneeus ad pedalem, siccitate nigricans. Caulis ut videtur erectus, parce ramosus. Folia pro planta magna; stipula magnitudine variae, |— f unc. longse, integerrimse ; petioli stricti, parte infra folium ~ unc. longa, in cirrhum strictum ad apicem ramosum desinentes ; foliola 1-2 unc. longa, integerrima, nervis parallelis 3-5. Pedunculi 6-unciales, erecti. Flores pedicellati, maguitudine L. sylvestris. Calyx brevis, glaberrimus.

I have seen no specimens of this from the Strait of Magalhaens ; those from which the foregoing description is drawn up having been gathered at Cape Fairweather, a few miles northward of Fuegia proper, on the east coast of Patagonia, by Capt. King, in whose collection there exists a third species from the same locality, perhaps only a variety of L. nervosum, Lam. {Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3987.) The L. Magellanicus is hardly distinguishable from a pro- bably undescribed Peruvian species.

2. Lathyevs pubeseens, Hook, et Arn. ; glabriusculus v. molliter pubescens, caule angulato alato ramoso, stipulis semisagittatis apice lobuloque deflexo acuminatis petiolum anguste alatuni dimidio sequantibus, foliolis uni- rarius bi-jugis oblongo-lanceolatis apiculatis multinerviis, pedunculis folio midto longioribus 5-7-floris, floribus breviter pedicellatis, calyce sericeo segmentis lanceolato-subulatis, vexillo calyce quadruple longiore, legumine pubescente. L. pubeseens, Hook, et Am. in Bot. of Beecheifs Voyage, p. 21. Bot. Misc. vol. iii. p. 197. Hoot: Bot. Mag. t. 3996. L. petiolaris, Fogel in Lmnma, vol. xiii. p. 29. fid. Herb. Reg. Berol.

Hab. Clionos Archipelago ; C. Darwin, Esq.

The most southern habitat of L. pubeseens, a handsome and widely distributed species, inhabiting all the