Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/346

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[Fuegia, the

The variety /3, Chonoticum, seems intermediate between this and the following, the woolliness being that of G. spicatum, while the capitate heads of flowers are similar to those of G. fialcatum. Plate CXIII. Fig. 1, receptacle and involucral leaves ; fig. 2, a flower of the ray; fig. 3, a flower of the disc; fig. 4, a seta of the pappus ; fig. 5, ripe achaenium : — all magnified.

2. Gnaphalium falcatum, Lam. ; Encycl. vol. ii. p. 758. Lessing in Linncea, vol. vi. p. 229. DC. Prodr. vol. vi. p. 233. Hook, et Am. in Bot. Journ. vol. iii. p. 328. G. Chilense, Hook, et Am. in Bot. Beech, p. 31. G. littorale, Banks et Sol. in Mus. Banks, cum icone.

Hab. Port Famine; Capt. King. Good Success Bay; Banks and Solander.

I have refrained from uniting the present with the foregoing species, being unable to arrange the Chilian forms of this genus so as to follow the transition steps by which they pass one into another, without even a fuller series of specimens than I have had the opportunity of consulting. I am fully satisfied however, that neither habit of growth, nor foliage, nor inflorescence affords any characters to separate them.

3. Gnaphalium affiue, D'Urv. ; toturn lanalaxa molli vestitum, caule gracili herbaceo basi procumbent e valde ramoso folioso, ramis florentibus ascendentibus erectisve gracillimis parce foliatis, capitulis paucis terminalibus aggregatis anguste cylindraceis, squamis involucralibus lanceolatis acuminatis basi pedicellis foliisque bracteiformibus lana irnmersis. G. affiuej IfUrv. in Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris, vol. iv. p. 610. Gaudichaud in Freyc. Toy. Bot. p. 134. DC. Prodr. vol. vi. p. 134. G. consanguineiun, Homb. et Jacq. in Toy. au Pole Sud, Bot. Bicot. Phan. t. 11. T (?) non Gaudichaud.

Hab. Falkland Islands ; H Urville, J.B.H. Peckett Harbour, Strait of Magalkaens ; Hombron and Jacquinot ?

Caules basi sublignosi, prostrati, ramosi. Folia obovato-pathulata, utrinque molliter et laxe lanata, A— J- unc. longa. Rami florentes graciles, 2-3 unc. longi, folia 3—4 gerentes, apice curvati et floriferi. Capitula angusta, sub 2 lin. longa, pauciflora, involucri squamis nitidis supra medium subcastaneo-fuscis. This appears to me a very distinct species from G. spicatum and indeed from any of its congeners, and may readily be recognized by its small size, and slender nearly leafless flowering stems, whose drooping apices _bear but two or three capitida. The latter are elongated, narrow, and their scales close together after the seeds have fallen, forming an acuminated point to the capitulum.

The figure of G. consanguineum, Gaud., given by Hombron and Jacquinot, appears to belong to this plant, of which T have seen no specimens from the continent of South America or Fuegia.

4. Gnaphalium Antarcticum, Hook. fil. ; pumilum glaberrimum, caule basi decumbente folioso sursum erecto gracili curvato parce foliato, capitulis subcapitals rnajusculis, involucri foliolis lanceolatis acuminatis scariosis glaberrimis nitidis pallide brunneis, pappo basi subpiloso, achseniis glaberrimis. (Tab. CXIII. B.)

Hab. Falkland Islands ; amongst grass &c. very sparingly ; /. D. H.

Planta perpusilla 1-2-pollicaris, tota glaberrima. Caulk tenuis basi decumbens foliosus. Folia sub a unc. longa, patentia, anguste obovato-spathulata, integerrima, subacuta, nervo medio super depresso, utrinque viridia, siccitate fusco-brunnea. Caulk florifems subfilifoiinis, foliis 2-3 linearibus auctus. Capitula 2-5, rarius solitaria, pro planta majuscida, A unc. longa, subcyliiufracea. Involucri squamse anguste lanceolate, acuminata', scariosae. Flores albi?; apicibus dentium coroihe glandidosis. Aclmnium glaberrimum.