Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/353

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Falklands, etc.]

15. Senecio Darwinii, Hook, et Am in Bot. Journ. vol. iii. p. 333. S. tricuspidatus, Banks et Sol. in 31m. Banks, cum icone.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens, Capt. King. South part of Tierra del Fuego, C. Darwin, Esq. Good Success Bay, Banks and Solander. Hermite Island, Cape Horn, on the hills, /. I). H.

Humilis, caule lignoso, prostrato, valde et dense rarnoso. Folia ut in priore, sed plerumque cuneata et trifida v. trilobata repando-dentatave. Pedunculi elongati v. inter folia siunrna sessiles.

Owing probably to the exposed situations this plant inhabits, it is of low stature and much branched from the base ; except in these respects and the generally, but not continually more divided leaves, I cannot see how it is distinguishable from 8. Falklandicus. The ray varies much in size.

16. Senecio EigJdsii, Hook, et Am. in Bot. Journ. vol. iii. p. 332. "Var. 0, caule procurnbente, rarnis ascendentibus laxe foliatis, foliis 3-5-fidis, capitulis breviter pedmiculatis.

Hab. Tierra del Fuego, Staten Land; Mr. Eights, Mr. Webster. Var. /3, South part of Fuegia; C. Darwin, Esq.

A priore cui proximus differt, foliis minoribus angustioribus profunde trifidis, capitulisque parvis. Lacinias folioriun latitudine varia?, interdum lineares.

The variety seems in some measure intermediate between this species and the former. I have gathered, on the barren mountain-sides of Cape Horn, a state of S. Darwinii very closely approaching the present, but with flowers considerably larger than those of S. Eiyldsii.

17. Senecio Websteri, Hook. fil. ; herbaceus, caule suberecto v. basi prostrato folioso lanato, fohis petiolatis carnosis reniformi-rotundatis deltoideisve angulis obtusis integerrhnis sinuato-crenatisve carnosis super glabratis subter lana molli obtectis, marginibus revolutis, capitulis paniculatis, peduncuh's pedicellisque laxe arachnoideo-tomentosis, involucri late hemisphserici squamis oblongo-lanceolatis acutis glabratis v. basi apiceque tanturn lanatis, hguhs late ovatis tridentatis.

Hab. Staten Land; Mr. Webster.

Cmdis exemplare a me viso manco 4 unc. longa, teres. Petioli unciales, uti folia subter caulisque laxe arachnoideo-lanati. Folia basi truncata v. cordata, latiora quam longa, 1 unc. lata, nervis subter flabellatis. Pedunculi brevissimi, hinc panicula subsessilis, lanati. Capitula aggregata, % imc. diametro. Involucri squamse non sphacelatse.

The most distinct species of the genus, if, as I suppose it to be, a Senecio, but Mr. Webster's specimens are very insufficient. The long petioles, singularly formed fleshy leaves and their revolute margins are decisive characters.

§ IV. Eadiatse, glabriuscula. v. glaberrimce.

18. Senecio trif meatus, Less. Synqps. Comp. p. 391. DC. Prodr. vol. vi. p. 435. Hook, et Am. in Bot. -Journ. p. 341. Cineraria trifurcata, Sjireng. Sgst. Yeg. vol. iii. p. 551. Tussilago trifurcata, Forst. Conuii. Goett. vol. ix. p. 38. Aster trifurcatus, Banks et Solander MSS. in Mm. Banks, cum icone. (Tab. CVIII).