Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/443

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Falklands, etc.]

Our specimens agree precisely with an original one from P. de Beauvois himself. The leaves are more falcate and wider at the base than those of B. Billardieri, to which this moss is very closely allied.

6. Dicranum Billardieri, Schwaegr., Suppl. II. vol. i. p. 170. t. 121. FLAntarct. p. 119.

Var. caulibus apice ramosis, ramis brevibus confertis flagelliformibus.

Hab. Falkland Islands, amongst stones on Mount Vernet, not common, and always barren.

This peculiar condition of the moss is probably the residt of its exposure to a dry atmosphere. Similar appearances occur in such British species as Campylopus Jlexuosus.

7. Dicranum Starkii, Web. et Mohr, Bot. Tasch. p. 189, 4,71. Hook, et Tayl. Muse. Brit, t.xvii. p. 97.

Var. 2. foliis vix secundis.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn, both varieties, the first in clefts of rocks, common, but rare in fruit.

Thecse smaller and more erect than in European specimens. Intermediate between the usual form and D. SpJiayni, Wahl.

S. Dicranxtm temifolium, Hook. fil. et Wils.; caule ramoso, foliis circinatim falcatis basi lanceolatis longissime capillaceis integerrimis nervo lato percursis, theca turbinata, operculo longirostro. (Tab. CLII. fig. VII.)

Hab. Hermite Island; moist shelving rocks on Mount Foster, above Deep-water Bay, scarce.

Caules unciales, parce ramosi, caespitosi, curvub, luridi. Folia longissima, angustissima, conferta, eleganter circinato-falcata, lurido-viridia, inferiora atrata; perichaetialia basi latiora, vaginantia. Seta 3-4 hneas metiens, crassiuscida, pallide lutescens. Theca parva, suberecta, turbinata, ore, patulo, senior fusca. Perisiomi dentes rubri. Operculum oblique longirostrum. Cahjptra dimidiata, scariosa, fusco-lutea.

Our specimens are not in a very good state, being too far advanced. Allied to the European B.falcatum, from which it differs in having narrower and longer leaves, and a very small nearly erect capsule destitute of a struma.

Plate CLII. Fly. VII. — 1, moss, natural size ; 2 and 3, leaves ; 4-6, thecae ; 7, peristome : — all magnified.

9. Dicranum vaginatum, Hook., Muse. Exot. t. 141.

Hab. Hermite Island, on moist banks of sea-sand in St. Joachim's Bay, rare.

Our moss differs from original specimens gathered by Humboldt on the Andes of New Grenada, in the following particulars: teeth of the peristome broader; capsule erect, short and turbinate; seta shorter and thicker; leaves entire, acute.

14. CAMPYLOPUS, Bridel.

1. Campylopus introjlexus, Bridel; Br. Univ. vol. i. p. 472. Fl. Antarct. pt. 1. p. 130. Dicranum introflexum, Hedio. Sp. Muse. p. 147. t. 29.

Hab. Falkland Islands, common on the ground, especially in peaty situations.

Also a native of Lord Auckland's group and Campbell's Island.

2. Campylopus Jlexuosus, Bridel; Br. Univ. vol. i. p. 469. FLAntarct. 1. c.

Var. foliis piliferis. Dicranum clavatum, Sehwaeyr. SujjjiI. t. 255?