Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/450

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[Fuegia, the

7. Bryvm pallescem, Scliwaegr.; Suppl. I. vol. ii. p. 67. t. 74. Bruch et Schimp. I. e. p. 51. t. 22.

Hab. Falkland Islands, on sand-hills at Uranie Bay. Hermite Island, Cape Horn.

8. Brytjm Antarcticum, Hook. fil. et Wils.; monoicum, caulibus ramosis caespitosis, foliis confertis imbricatis erecto-patentibus ovatis acuniinatis concavis reticulatis evanidinerviis margine planis. (Tab.CLITL fig. VI.)

Hab. Cockbum Island, lat. 64° S., long. 57° W., with young setae.

Caules 2 lin. longi, rubelli, inferne radiculosi. Folia late ovata, acumine brevi, apice diaphana, subdenticulata, rufescentia, nervo latiusculo rubello sub apice evanido, areolis subquadratis; pericha?tialia majora, acuuiine longiore. Seta vix % lin. longa, crassiuseula, rubra. Calyptra rubra. Flos masculus in ramulis brevibus per innovationes lateralis floribus fcemineis alternans ; antheridia cum paraphysibus longioribus subclavatis ; archegonia paraphysibus brevioribus filiforniibus immixta.

Nearly allied to the British B. Zierii, Dicks., but differing essentially in the inflorescence. The leaves are more crowded and have smaller areolae.

Plate CLIII. Fig. VI. — 1, tuft of the natural size; 2, stem and 3, leaf, both magnified.

9. Brytjm Wahlenbergii, Scliwaegr.; Bruch et ScAimper, 1. c. p. 44. 1. 17., FI. Ant. pt. 1. p. 134.

Var. 1. caule rubro, foliis ovatis rubellis.

Var. 2. foliis ovato-lanceolatis laxis viridibus.

Var. 3. caule elongato 2-3-unciali ramoso, foliis rubescentibus ovato-lanceolatis secundis.

Var. 4. foliis ovatis secundis minoribus nigro-viridibus.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; var. 1, sand near the sea. Falkland Islands ; var. 3, slate rocks near tbe sea (barren) ; Kerguelen's Land ; var. 1, 2, and 4, all abundant.

The var. 1 is very similar to British specimens, differing in the colour of the leaves and in their being less acute. This moss also inhabits Lord Auckland's group.

10. Bryum vagans, Hook. fil. et Wils. ; caule vage ramoso, foliis patentibus secundis ovato-lanceolatis apiculatis submarginatis apice serratis, nervo subcontinuo. (Tab. CLIV. fig. 1.)

Hab. Hermite Island ; marshy places in the woods, especially on slopes, frequent, (barren.)

Caulis basi procumbens, fere repens, biuncialis, apice ascendens, saepe mcurvus, vage ramosus, rami erecti, apice curvati. Folia laxe imbricata, patentia, secunda, mollia, ovato-lanceolata, apiculata, concaviuscula, submarginata; nempe areolis marginalibus angustioribus, confertis, casteris majuscubs, subrhomboideis, apice serralata, basi haud decurrentia, nervo tenui subcontinuo instructa, juniora palbde viridia, vetustiora luteo-viridia. Flos masculus discoideus, terminalis ; folia perigonialia late ovata, basi erecta, concava, superne patula, serndata ; antheridia numerosa, cybndracea, paraphysibus filiforniibus immixta.

Allied to B. Wahlenbergii, but larger, the leaves twice as long, less succulent, not decurrent at the base, margined, apiculate, the nerve extending higher. During the winter months, owing to shifting of the watercourses, the banks on which this moss grows become inundated, and the varieties that ensue are very puzzling. The original plant is gradually covered by a carpet of young branches of a bright green colour, the whole forming a soft spongy and treacherous covering to the bogs.

Plate CLIV. Fig. I. — 1, plant of the natural size; 2, leaf; 3, areolae of ditto, — magnified.