Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/453

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Falklands, etc.]

2. Hypnum denticulatum, Dill. Linn. ; Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. 4. t. 31. Hook, et Tayl. Muse. Brit. p. 153. t. xxiv.

Hab. Herrnite Island ; on moist banks, wet rocks, &c, not uncommon, (barren).

3. Hypnum reticulatum, Hook. fil. et Wils.; caule erecto simpliciusculo, foliis distichis patentibus ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis vix piliferis submarginatis reticulatis apice serrulatis, nervo tenui subexcurrente (Tab. CLIV. Fig. V.)

Hab. Hermite Island ; on the ground in damp woods, rare (barren).

Caules laxe caespitosi, unciales, subelongati, erecli, plerumque simplices, complanati, molles. Folia disticha, patentia, subobliqua, acutissima, fere pilifera, areolis marginalibus angustioribus confertis, caeteris majusculis sub-vhomboideis, recentiora laete viridia, rdtentia.

The many points of correspondence between this moss and Bryum vagans, nobis, have not escaped our notice. The specimens being few and barren, we are unable to pronounce with confidence on the validity of the species. It differs from //. subbasilare in the acuminated distichous leaves and abnost excurrent nerve. In habit it much resembles H. denticulatum.

Plate CLIV. Fig. V. — 1, plant of the natural size; 2, leaf; 3, apex of ditto : — magnified.

4. Hypnum riparium, Dill. Linn. ; Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. 4. t. 3. Hook, et Tayl. Muse. Brit. p. 152. t. xxiv.

Var. 2. caide elongato rigido, foliis dissitis minoribus rigidulis. Hab. Kerguelen's Land; both varieties, in the lake near Christmas Harbour (barren). With the habit of Fontinalis ; probably a distinct species, but the specimens are not in a state to be determined satisfactorily.

b. Foliis imbricatis, seta radicali.

5. Hypnum mnioides, Hook.; Muse. Fxot. t. 77. Mont, in Voy. aw Pole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 329. H. subbasilare (ex errore), Schvaegr. Supjal. t. 256.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens, HUrville. Hermite Island; abundant everywhere in the woods.

Closely allied to //. spiniforme, from which it chiefly dift'ers in its broader leaves.

6. Hypnum subbasilare, Hook.; Muse. Exot. 1. 10. H. mnioides (ex errore), Sc/itoaegr. Suppl. t. 257.

Hab. Hermite Island ; in moist woods, at the roots of trees, very common, growing in tufts.

This species so much resembles H. mnioides, as to be scarcely distinguishable from it until gathered.

In our specimens the leaves are by no means hilarious, as stated in the Musci Exotici, and are compressed only when dry. The pericheetial leaves are erect, almost piliferous, and nerved to the apex ; young calyptra coriaceous, slightly ventricose, not subulate, at length dimidiate. The operculum is absent from all our specimens. c. Foliis imbricatis ruptinerviis, seta laterali.

7. Hypnum rutabulum, Dill. Linn. ; Hedw. Muse. Frond, vol. 4. t. 12. Hook, et Tayl. Muse. Brit. p. 176. t. xxvi. Fl. Autarct. pt. 1. p. 138.

Var. 1. foliis apice attenuatis, perichoetialibus erectis.

Var. 2. foliis majoribus lsete viridibus.