Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/464

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[Fuegia, the

Each branch is short and bears but few pairs of leaves: — these are narrow at the base, gradually widening upwards to the top of the branches, where they are collected into a flattened head three or four times wider than the inferior part of the shoot. This resembles in general appearance the P. pusilla, Mont, (of Tasmania), but is more minute, has not curved stems, there are fewer leaves on the shoots, and the anterior margin of the leaf is decurrent.

Plate CLVII. Fit/. I. — 1, plant of the natural size ; 2 and 3, front and back views of leaf and portion of stem : — magnified.

17. Jungermannia heterodonta, Hook. fil. et Tayl.; csespitosa, caule erecto v. prostato rarnoso, raniis ascendentibus subfastigiatis, foliis erecto-patentibus late ovatis obovatisve grosse inasqualiter eroso-dentatis niargine superiore decurrente, inferiore apice obscure, bifido, calyce terminali foliis perichsetialibus breviore angustioreque obovato-rotiuidato, ore contracto sequali truncate ciliato-dentato. Nobis in Lond. Journ. Hot. vol. 3. p. 460. (Tab. CLVII. Kg. II).

Hab. Kerguelen's Land ; on moist rocks near the sea.

Csespites late extensi, rupibus appressi, lsete olivaceo-virides. Caules sub 2 unc. longi, irregulariter vage ramosi. Folia subarcte imbricata, oblique rotundata, apice latiuscula, dentibus marginalibus, nunc manifeste nunc obscure bifida. Calyx pericheetio brevior, obscure bilabiatus ; labiis rotundatis, crenatis et minute ciliatis.

Allied to the P. sciopJdla of Nepaul, which has emarginato-dentate leaves, but from which the present may be distinguished by its smaller size, erect growth, and closely imbricated foliage, which is more toothed. The perigonia, with which the Antarctic species is supplied, are in the form of a narrow spike, whose leaves are minute, erect, imbricated, and bidentate with somewhat squarrose apices.

Plate CLVII. Fig. II. — 1, plant of the natural size ; 2, leaf and portion of stem ; fig. 3, ditto removed from stem ; 4, calyx : — magnified.

18. Jungermannia Chonotica, Tayl.; caespitosa, surculis erectis subramosis complanatis basi nudiusculis, foliis imbricatis erecto-patentibus oblongo-rotundatis basi angustatis convesis, niai'ginibus recurvis spinoso-dentatis. Tayl. in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. 5. p. 260.

Hab. Clionos Archipelago ; C. Darwin, Esq.

Csespites pallide fulvi. Caules 2-3 unc. longi, dendroidei, v. nudi basique simpliciusculi. Perigonia parva, brevia, in spicam bnearem arete imbricatam disposita, foholis parvis tumidis denticulatis. Resembles the P.fatciculata, Lindb., of New Holland and Lord Auckland's group; the shoots however are much narrower, leaves shorter, more distinctly and minutely toothed, the branches fascicled and the cells of the leaves much more minute.

19. Jungermannia distinct/folia, Tayl. I. c. ; Liudb. Sp. Hep. p. 17. t. 3. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Syn. Hep. p. 30.

Hab. Staten Island; Men; tax in Herd. Hook.

We have not seen specimens of this from the Antarctic Expedition. It is also a native of Jamaica and the Brazils.

(4. Jungermannia, L. et auct. recent.)

20. Jungermannia colorata, Lelim. in Linn. vol. 4. p. 366. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Syn. Hep. p. 86. Fl. Infarct. Pt. I. p. 1 19.