Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/470

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[Fuegia, the

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; on moist banks near the sea. Ccespites suberecti, flavo-virescentes. Folia disticha, vix imbricata, segmentis plenunque recurvis, ramis hinc (siccitate prajcipue) squarrosis.

So nearly allied to the previous species that a particular description is hardly required; it differs conspicuously in the colour. These species were never seen passing into one another, and both are remarkably constant to their characters. They belong, with the /. vertebralis, Gottsche (Pt. 1. p. 153), of Lord Auckland's group and Tasmania, also a very closely allied plant, to a distinct section of the genus. The /. cMoroleuca differs from /. vertebralis in colour, size, and different texture, also in the form of the leaves and ciliation ; and from /. densifolia, besides the colour, mentioned above, in the denser tissue of the remote leaves, which are much broader at the base, and whose areola? are blended together, in their long ciliation and bifid apices.

Plate CLXI. Fig. V. — 1, plant of the natural size; 2, portion of stem and leaf: — magnified.

88. Jungeemannia clandestine!,, Mont., in Toy. an Pole Slid, Bot. Crypt, p. 264. 1. 16. f. 4. Gottsche, Lindb. et Nees, Syn. Reji. p. 73.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens ; Port Famine and Port Gallant, M. Hombron.

39. Jungeemannia sc/iismoides, Mont., vid. Pt. 1. p. 150. (Tab. CLXI. Fig. IX. i

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn; creeping through tufts of mosses in the woods.

The leaves of these specimens are slightly serrulate along the margins, in which respect alone the plant differs from that found in Lord Auckland's group.

Plate CLXI. Fig. IX. — 1, plant of the natural size ; 2, 3, and 4, leaves : — magnified.

40. Jungeemannia erebrifolia, Hook. fil. et Tayl.j caule caespitoso erecto ramoso, ramis subercctis, foliis carnosulis arete imbricatis erecto-patentibus secundis coucavis late ovato-rotundatis bilobis, lobis ovatis subacutis integerrinns inferiore minore basi dentato v. integerrimo, calyce minimo laterali obovato plicato, ore scarioso laciniato, lacinhs lanceolatis. Nobis in Journ. Lond. Bot. vol. hi. p. 467. (Tab.CLVII. Fig.IX.)

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn.

Dense casspitosa, rufo-brunnea. Guides fere 2 una longi, siccitate fragiles, irregulariter repetitim ramosi, rarius superne paido incrassati. Folia arete imbricata, valde eoncava, marginibus apicibusque madore erectis, lobo snperiore majore, mferiore basi supra caidem producto, integerrimo v. uni-dentato. Calyces minuti, valde hiconspicui, ore albido scarioso.

Closely allied to the /. cryptodon, Wils. MS., of the Andes of Colombia, which has a similarly toothed lower lobe of the leaf, equally produced at the base across the stem. The present is a larger plant, with more imbricated and erect leaves, their lower lobe smaller, and the produced portion larger in proportion.

Plate CLVII. Fig. IX. — 1, plant of the natural size ; 2 and 3, leaves : — Magnified.

41. Jungeemannia hitmilu, Hook. fil. etTayl.; parvula, caule implexo procumbente radicante ramoso, foliis subimbricatis erecto-patentibus secundis rotundatis concavis integerrirnis crassiusculis, stipulis minutis ovatis integris v. bifidis segmentis unidentatis v. irregulariter sectis. X T obis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. hi. p. 468. (Tab. CLYIII. Fig. VI.)

Hab. Kerguelen's Land; on tufts of Azorella Selago.

Caspites lati, pallide flavo-olivacei. Caulis vix uncialis, irregulariter ramosus. Folia laxe imbricata, basi late caule adnata sed non decurrentia, pateiitia, homomalla. S/iji/dce caidi aBquilatse, varie scet.e, emargiuatse, bifida? v. irregulariter sinuato-dentatas.