Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/51

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Campbell's Islands.]

as many arches as there are nerves, apparently without reference to the number of teeth of the corolla, in the thickened substance of which they are entirely lost. Amongst the discoid groups of Senecionideæ, there are many anomalous structures of the female corollas. Thus, in Strongylosperma, Less., the limb of that organ is reduced apparently to a very short tube, completely continuous with the achænium; and one of the principal characters of Soliva, R. and Pav., consists "in the want of corolla or" (as Mr. Brown remarks) "perhaps its accretion with the persistent style" (vide Linn. Trans, vol. xii. p. 101). The original species, L. scariosa, Cass., was transmitted alive to England from Cape Horn, and is now cultivated in the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, where it blossoms copiously, and as it increases rapidly and has been widely distributed, I hope that the attention of microscopic observers will be directed to the singular structure of its flowers. Though possessed of no beauty, it derives an interest from being one of the most Antarctic flowering plants.

The glands, so conspicuous in this and some of the other species, appear to be conglobate and formed of about four very prominent papillæ, confluent at their margins; in this species and in L. scariosa they are transparent, but in L. lanata, after drying, they turn opake and whitish. I observed that in the fresh state they contained no evident secretion or essential oil, nor can they be connected in any way with the peculiar odour which several of the species possess, as this is inodorous or nearly so, and L. plumosa, which smells strongly, is unprovided with these organs.


1. Ozothamnus (Petalolepis) Vauvilliersii, Hombr. et Jacq.; fruticosus, foliis patenti-recurvis oblongo-cuneatis supra canaliculatis glabris subtus ramulisque junioribus adpresse fulvo-tomentosis marginibus revolutis, corymbis terminalibus capitatis polycephalis ramosis, involucris turbinatis subcylindraceis squamis exterioribus araneo-tomentosis intimis radiatis scariosis albidis.—O. Vauvilliersii, Hombron et Jacquinot in Voy. au Pol Sud, &c. Bot. Dicot. Phanerog. pl. 5. sine descript.

Hab. Lord Auckland's Islands; from the sea to an altitude of 300–400 feet, very common. Also found on the high mountain of Tongariro, in the Northern Island of New Zealand, by Mr. Bidwill.

Frutex elegans, 6–8-pedalis. Caulis erectus, validus, 1–2-pedalis, e basi ramosus, cicatricibus dilatatis foliorum lapsorum notatus, cortice tenui griseo tectus; ligno albido tenaci. Rami fasciculati, stricti, erecti, virgati, 3–4 ped. longi, inferne cicatricosi, superne ad foliorum insertionem tuberculati, fusco-flavidi, hic illic pubescentes, cortice lamellato, ramulis subtomentosis. Folia undique inserta, subdecussata, patentia, recurva, brevissime petiolata, 4–6 lin. longa, elongato-cuneata, ad apices rotundata, coriacea, supra canaliculata, glaberrima, nitida, luride viridia, subtus nervo medio valido subcarinata, dense sed appresse fulvo-tomentosa, marginibus revolutis integerrimis. Corymbi terminates, capitati, compositi, pluries ramosi, polycephali, 1–1½ unc. lati, pedunculis pedicellisque brevibus divaricatis tomentosis. Involucrum sub 2–3 lin. longum, 3–4 seriale, squamis extimis brevibus subcoriaceis rubro tinctis, gradatim longioribus marginibus scariosis, intimis radiatis, ungue elongato erecto scarioso marginibus ciliato-serratis, lamina late ovata obtusa subpetaloidea albida margine undulata, omnia dorso plus minusve araneo-tomentosa. Receptaculum angustum, planum, papillosum, sub 10–12-florum. Flores involucro breviores, omnes tubulosi, hermaphroditi, tubo gracili elongato quinquefido, dentibus ovato-oblongis subacutis extus versus apices puberulis ciliatis. Antheræ elongatæ, inclusæ, stramineæ, basi biaristatæ, filamentis supra medium dilatatis. Stylus basi subincrassatus, ramis elongatis linearibus semiteretibus intus canaliculatis, apicibus truncatis penicillatus. Pappus 1-serialis, setis scabris inferne nudis imo basi subconnatis. Achænium obconicum, sulcatum.