Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/551

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Falklands, etc.]

Hab. Graham's Land; in mud from 270 fathoms.

Also found in the Atlantic, German, and Mediterranean seas, and in Peruvian guano.


1. Grammatophora parallela, Ehrb.

Hab. Graham's Land; in mud from 207 and 270 fathoms.

Found fossil in Sicily, Oran and Virginia, U.S.

2. Grammatophora AJHcana, Ehrb.; Kilt:, p. 129.

Hab. Graham's Land; in mud from 270 fathoms.

Exists also in the Mediterranean Sea and German Ocean; and fossil in Sicily, Oran, and Virginia, U.S., and in Peruvian and African ? guano.

8. Grammatophora serpentina, n. sp., Ehrb. ; Schrift, Berl. Akad. May, 1844. {non • Kiitz.)

Hab. Graham's Land; in mud from 270 fathoms.

4. Grammatophora Oceanica, Ehrb. G. marina, Kiitz. Diatoma marinum, Lyngh. Harv. Brit. Alg. p. 201.

Hab. Falkland Islands ; on marine Conferva : Lesson.

Abundant on the Atlantic shores of both the Old and New World, and in the Mediterranean Sea. Found fossil in Virginia, U.S., and Peruvian guano ; also in the atmospheric dust of the Cape de Verds.

5. Grammatophora stricta, Elu-b.; Kilt:, p. 129. t. 29. f. 76. c.

Hab. Falkland Islands ; on marine Conferva : Lesson.

This occurs in Peruvian guano, and in deposits at Vera Cruz, in Mexico, and North America.


1. Coscixodiscos ? actinochilus, n. sp., Ehrb.; Schrift. Berl. Akad. May, 1844.

Hab. Victoria Barrier ; in Pancake Ice.

2. Coscinodiscds ApoUinis, n. sp., Ehrb.; I. c.

Hab. Victoria Barrier ; in Pancake Ice and in mud from 190 fathoms. Stomachs of Salpa, in Lat. 64° S., Long. 157° W. Graham's Land; in mud from 207 and 270 fathoms.

3. Cosctnodiscus cingulatus, n. sp., Ehrb.; I.e.

Hab. Victoria Barrier; in Pancake Ice. Graham's Land; in stomachs of Salpa with the preceding.

4. Coscinodiscus ? ^m»««/er, n. sp., Ehrb.; I.e.

Hab. Victoria Land; in mud from 190 fathoms, and in Pancake Ice. Graham's Land; in the stomachs of Salpa with the preceding.

This species has also been found in the Bermuda Islands, and fossil at Oran and Sicily.