Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/578

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[Fuegia, etc.

{Lichenes imperfecti.)

23. ISIDIUM, Ac//.

1. Isidium oculatum, Ach.; Lich. Univ. p. 570. Engl. Bot. t. 1833. Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn, the Falkland Islands and Kerguelen's Land ; on the earth. Various Parmelim and Lecanora in a young state, are scarcely distinguishable from one another, and have been referred to Isidium oculatum.

2. Isidium lutescens, Turn, and Borr. Lepraria lutescens, Engl. Bot. t. 1529.

Hab. Kerguelen's Land ; on rocks near the sea.

Very probably a state of Lecanora murorum.

24. LEPRAEIA, Ach.

1. Lepraria fiava, Ach.; Inch. Univ. p. 663. Engl. Bot. t. 1350.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn, the Falkland Islands and Kerguelen's Land; abundant near the sea.

Evidently the powdery state of some Parmelia, belonging to the citrinous series.