Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/587

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Falklands, etc.]

p. 409. Tortula denmfolki, Hook. fil. etWils., is evidently closely allied to Barbula mnoides, Schwaeg. Suppl. t . 3 1

p. 410. Polytrichum compression, Hook. fil. et Wils. Var. /3., foliis apices versus obscure serratis laniellatis, capsula longiore.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn; with var. a.

p. 418. Hypnum subpilosum, Hook. fil. et Wils. ; (character reforniata) caule arcuato parce rainoso, ramis reciuvis attenuatis, foliis cordato-ovatis acuminatis subpiliferis concavis striatis serrulatis ruptinerviis, capsula subrotunda cernua, operculo conico, seta scabra.

p. 449. After Exidia Auricula- Juda, add 2. Exidia flammed, Berk.; aurantiaca, hemispherica, depressa, substipitata, margine crenulata subtus rugulosa rainutissime verrucoso-spiculata, sporis oblongis basi curvatis. (Tab. CLXIV. Kg. III. left hand specimen.)

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; on dead wood amongst the snow.

Hemisphserica, leviter depressa, vel humore saturata planiuscida, brevissime stipitata; margine laeviter crenata; subtus rugulosa, sub lente maxime augente subtiliter verrucosa, hie illic spiculata. Spora oblongse, basi cm - vata3.

Allied to Exidia truitcata, but differing remarkably in its bright colour. When first taken out of spirit the hymenium is quite plane, but becomes depressed afterwards. It is doubtful whether the margin be crenate in the living plant, for it is not represented in the drawing made from the fresh specimen.

Plate CLXIV. Fig. III.— 2, (left hand figure) E.Jlammea, of the natural size.

p. 451. Peziza Kerguelensis. — The Hermite Island plant is Exidia flammea, Berk. ; to which also the left hand figure of Plate CLXIV. Fig. III. 2, is referable. The right hand figure (I), which, however, is not represented sufficiently adnate, and the dissections, belong to P. Kerguelensis.


Plate XVI. — The Tasmaniau flowering plant, figured at B, is another species, C.pumla, mini (see Supplement).

Plate XXI. — Helichrysum prostratum, is //. bettidioides, Forst. (see Suppl.)

Plate LXI. Fig. IV. — Hypnum Terra-Nova is H. limatum, Hook. fil. et Wils. (see Suppl.)

Plate LXXXII. B. — Ranunculus hydropliyllus, should be R. hydropjtilus.

Plate LXXXV. — Hajiadryas tomentosa is U. argentea, Hook. fil. (see Suppl.)

Plate LXXXVII. — Berberis microphylla is a synonym of B buxifolia, Lam. (see Suppl.)

Plate XCIII. — Sagina subidata, D'Urv., is a synonym of Colobanlhus sululatus (see Suppl.)

Plate CI. — Caldasia daucoides, Hook, fil., is a synonym of Oreomyrrhu andicola, Endl. (see Suppl.)

Plate CIV. — Figs. 9, 10, 11, aud 12, Myzodendron imbricatum, Pocpp. (see Suppl.)

Plate CXII. — Macrorhynchus coronopifolius should be M.pumilm, DC. (see p. 324.)