Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/634

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Splendid new work on the British Sea- Weeds. Messrs. Reeve have the pleasure to announce that on the 1st of January 1846, will be published No. I, of the PHYCOLOGIA BRITANNICA OR, WZtovy of ti)t 23j:ttt£S!) ^ta«ee&& BY WILLIAM HENRY HARVEY, M.D., M.R.I.A., Hrrpcr at fyc $?crtatum at fijc JKntberSttn at JBufcltn. This Work will contain coloured figures, carefully drawn on stone by the author, representing the natural size aud magnified dissections of every species, accom- panied by generic and specific characters, synonymes, British habitats, the geo- graphical distribution aud general history of each individual, in a fuller and more perfect manner than has yet been attempted in any work exclusively devoted to the illustration of British Algae. Appearing periodically, the general plan of similar publications, such as the ' English Botany ' and Greville's ' Scottish Cryptogamic Flora', will be followed ; namely, each number will contain six species, selected without reference to systematic order, but at the conclusion of each volume, and more fully at the completion of the entire work, systematic and alphabetical indices will be added ; — and finally, a general Introduction, to be prefixed to the last volume, will complete the History. The beauty and variety of form, and the extraordinary delicacy of colour and structure which distinguish the marine Algae have ever rendered this tribe of plants a favourite object of study. But hitherto a serious want has been felt of an adequately illustrated work, devoted to these beautiful plants. The admi- rable figures by Greville comprise but a few of the more remarkable species, while the plates in the ' English Botany,' though excellent in their way, being, in several instances, drawn from imperfect specimens, do not afford that justice to the subject which modern discoveries and improvements require. To supply this want the present History has been projected ; and Messrs. Reeve confidently trust that by producing it in an attractive form, and at an extremely moderate price, they will afford to the student the assistance which he so much requires, and ensure to their publication the patronage of the scientific public. As a specimen of plates of Sea-weeds, published by them, Messrs. Reeve appeal to those which have already appeared in Dr. Hooker's ' Flora Antarctica,' now in progress, a work which, for beauty of execution, has never (they may be permitted to say) been exceeded in this country. The plates of the Phycologia Britannica will be printed on the same paper, and coloured with equal care, and as they will all be executed by Dr. Harvey, whose acquaintance with the subject is generally known, the Publishers feel confident of producing a work equally worthy of support. Size royal octavo, to be completed in Sixty monthly numbers, each containing Six Coloured Plates, with descriptive text, price 2s. 6d.

      • A few copies will be printed on large paper of superior quality, price 5s. ; but as a very

limited number will be prepared in this style, Subscribers are requested to send intheir names to the Publishers as early as possible.