Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/660

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Preparing for publication, complete in one volume, super-royal octavo, beautifully illustrated with coloured figures and directions, A TREATISE THE ESCULENT MUSHROOMS OF ENGLAND, INCLUDING THEIR BOTANICAL CHARACTERS, HABITS OF GROWTH, MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE, NUTRITIOUS PROPERTIES, AND MODE OF COOKING, PRESERVING, &c, BY DAVID BADHAM, M.D. In treating of the eatable kinds of Mushroom, the author desires to secure for an undeservedly neglected subject, the curiosity and interest of those who, having an inclination for the study of Natural History, have not yet determined on what particular province to devote their powers of observa- tion and experiment. For the sake of such readers, the outlines of Myco- logy will precede the description of the " Esculent Mushrooms " of England. It is for this latter portion of the volume, however, that the Author anticipates the greater number of readers, inasmuch as he will treat of a most excellent article of food, the chief varieties of which have, through prejudice, and the want of fixed discriminating signs, been hitherto suffered to perish unused ; but which, a Little easily acquired information, may at once render a wholesome, costless, and palatable species of nourishment. It is not to be wondered at that the descriptions of the Esculent Funguses of the continent, which may be found here and there in scientific and ex- pensive works, have never yet enabled us to turn to account the treasures of our own forests and meadows. Such a purpose can only be answered by the substitution of popular for technical terms, and by an exact delineation of the various esculent kinds, occasionally contrasted with those noxious specimens which they most closely resemble. Accordingly, the descriptions in the present work, are written in the plainest possible manner, and the plates are finished with such accuracy, that no perplexity or misgivings as to the nature of any Fungus will remain on the minds of those who study them accurately. A chapter is added on the nutritious properties of the various kinds, and one also on the best modes of cooking and preserving them. London : Reeve, Brothers, King William Street, Strand.