Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/91

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Campbells Islands.]


1. Chiloglottis cornuta, Hook. fil.; perianthio ringente, foliolis inferioribus linearibus obtusis canaliculatis, interioribus erectis ovato-lanceolatis acutis dorsali ovato-lanceolato acuminate, labello trulliformi versus apicem attenuato disco 6-glanduloso, glandula intermedia basali (appendix labelli) porrecta subrecurva.

Hab. Campbell's Island; on the decaying roots of trees in shaded places, rare: D. Lyall, Esq

Radix tuberosa; tuberibus 2, pisiformibus, remotis, caudice elongato, radiciformi, descendente connexis. Folia 2, petiolata, patentia v. subrecurva, ovata, v. ovato-lanceolata, subacuta, 1—½ unc. longa, 1—1½ unc. lata, nervis parallelis, venisque transversalibus reticulata, planiuscula. Petioli erecti, ½—¾ unc. longi, basi vaginantes, vagina scariosa, integra. Scopus erectus, gracilis, brevis, ½ uncialis, medio bracteatus, uniflorus. Bractea spathacea, ovata, acuminata, membranacea, florem immaturum amplectens. Flos una cum ovario ¾ unc. longus, erectus. Perianthium obliquum, foliola omnia erecta; exteriora v. sepala subæqualia, superius v. dorsale paulo majus, concavum, vix cucullatum, ovato-lanceolatum, longe acuminatum, apice subulatum, sub 5-nerve; inferiora labello supposita, ima basi lata, deinde linearia, obtusa, curvata, marginibus involutis, superiore æquilonga; foliola interiora sive petala erecta, ovato-lanceolata; exteriora breviora, submembranacea, trinervia, versus apices subserrulata v. undulata. Labellum erectum, unguiculatum, petalis paulo brevius; lamina planiuscula trulliformis, vel triangulari-cordata, attenuata, basi truncato-biloba, breviter petiolata, disco 6-glanduloso; glandulæ v. tubercula valde prominentes, 4 laterales subquadratæ, compressæ, squamæformes, duæ prope basin, aliæque altius sitæ; intermediarum basali (v. appendicula) supra discum elata, porrecta, cornu referens, et recurva, antice canaliculata; quinta trilobata. Columna erecta, modice arcuata, valida, superne bifida, bialata, alis angustis. Anthera apice recurva.

An glandulæ laterales labelli vere clavatæ, siccitate tantum compressæ et quasi squamæformes?

This is a very interesting plant, belonging to an Australian genus of which only two species were previously known. I have never seen it alive, and am therefore unable to give a coloured figure of the plant. In Tasmania two species grow at the foot of Mount Wellington, in a latitude however much below that of Campbell's Island and in a widely different climate. The flower is smaller than that of C. Gunnii, Lindl., to which, of the two other species, the present is, on account of the erect petals, most nearly allied. I am inclined to think that the glands on the disc of the labellum will be found to prove a variable character. In one Tasmanian species they bear the most striking resemblance in form and colour to an ant.

2. Thelymitra stenopetala, Hook. fil.; foliis petiolatis lineari-lanceolatis gradatim acuminatis, scapo 1—2-floro, perianthii foliolis lanceolatis acuminatis, cuculli lobulis lateralibus plumosis, capsulis inclinatis paulo curvatis lineari-oblongis.

Hab. Lord Auckland's group; in woods and on the bare ground in exposed places, not uncommon.

The leaves of this plant are dark green, very coriaceous, about 4 inches long and 3—4 lines in breadth, gradually attenuated below into a narrow sheathing petiole. The scapes of the former year, bearing the fruit and crowned with the withered, persistent perianth, were found along with the young leaves. The capsules are shortly pedunculate, pale brown, ½—¾ of an inch long; the column considerably curved, the lateral lobes each with a tuft of hairs.

I have closely compared my very indifferent specimens of this plant with the several species of New Zealand and Tasmania, and have no hesitation in describing it as new.