Page:The British Empire in the nineteenth century Volume VI.djvu/9

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CONTENTS. VOL. VI. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. TRINIDAD COOLIES AT WORK IN A CANE-FIELD Fronti ^ "BLACK THURSDAY", FEBRUARY 6TH, 1851 KING WATCHING THE LAST MOMENTS OF BURKE - ATTACK ON A GOLD ESCORT - 90 CATTLE-MUSTERING IN QUEENSLAND 8 A MAORI WAR-DANCE - ... 252 A SHEEP STATION ON CANTERBURY PLAINS - ^74 A CAMEL-CARAVAN, WESTERN AUSTRALIA - u MAP OF AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND - - 45 BOOK VI. Continued. BRITISH POSSESSIONS IN AMERICA IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. CHAPTER XL Continued. WEST INDIES. The Windward Islands: Grenada, its Government, Climate, and Industry Grenadines St. Vincent, its great Volcanic Eruption St. Lucia, Picturesque Beauty, Coaling Station Trinidad, "The Land of the Humming -Bird", Picton's Firm Administration, Coolie Immigration, Unsurpassed Scenery, Varied and Increasing Population, Agricultural Products Tobago I CHAPTER XII. BERMUDA, BRITISH HONDURAS, BRITISH GUIANA. Extent and population of BERMUDA Physical features Delightful climate of Main Island- Trade Naval establishments Hamilton port Administration Education Communi- cation Revenue. Boundaries, area, and population of BRITISH HONDURAS Physical geography and climate Mahogany, logwood, and other products Belize city Com- munication Trade Revenue Administration Education. Early exploration of BRITISH GUIANA Settlement by the Dutch Ceded to Britain Agitation among the Slaves Case of John Smith the missionary His cruel treatment and death Brutality of the governor Intolerance of the slave-owners Boundaries and population of the country Geographical features Flora and fauna Rivers Climate Products Gold-mining Trade Administration Education Revenue Communication Georgetown city New Amsterdam 25