Page:The British Fruit-Gardener.djvu/12

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Method of Grafting and Budding
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Situations, Exposures, and Soils
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Method of Planting
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Protection of Blossoms, and Thinning young Wall Fruit
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Speedily will be pullijhcdy THE Gardners Pocket Di&iormry- IN A SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT O V All Tf$®%» Shrubs, KeFbs, Flowers, ancj Fruits 3 Vit&. ^iv Ufes, Propagation, and Culture, in the Briti-^ Gardens and Plantations, Green -Houfes and Hcf-Souies , Alphai*A^ a % digefted, and divided Into the following Heads. 5. I. Rarely Trees and Shrubs, II. Herbaceous Plants, III. Green-Houfe Plants, 1Y-. Hot.Houfe Plants.. T[h,e Whole comprehending- The €^«eral Practice of Gardening, and forming a DaisX Remembrancer to Gardeners, Nurfery-men, Jr^ifts, Seedfmen, and all Promoters of Horti- cult*^?. r, agreeable to the Lina:an Syftem, withthe Lari? ?a.4 £ngli{h Names,