Page:The British Warblers A History with Problems of Their Lives - 1 of 9.djvu/39

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Sylvia locustella, Meyer, British Birds, folio Ed., vol. i. (coloured plate of bird and egg) [1835-43].
Salicaria locustella, Hewitson, British Oology, 1st Ed., vol. i, plate 70, fig. 3 (egg) [1836]; id., Eggs of British Birds, 2nd Ed., vol. i, pp. 85-86, pl. 25, fig. 1 (egg), 1846; id. id., 3rd Ed., vol. i, pp. 112–114, pl. 31, fig. 1, 1856; Booth, Rough Notes, vol. ii, pp. 41–42, 1883.
Sibilatrix locustella, Macgillivray, British Birds, vol. ii, pp. 399–404 (woodcut of head), 1839.
Locustella avicula, Gould, Birds of Great Britain, vol. ii, 2 pp, pl. 78 (coloured figures of adult male and female), 1866.
Acrocephalus nævius, Yarrell, British Birds, 4th Ed., vol. i, edited by Newton, pp. 384-388 (woodcut), 1873.
Locustella nævia, Dresser, Birds of Europe, vol. ii, pp. 611–616, pl. 91 (coloured figures of adult male and young bird), 1874; Lilford, Coloured Figures, vol. iii, p. 44, pl. 22 (coloured figure of adult male), 1888; Saunders, Manual of British Birds, 2nd Ed., pp. 89–90 (woodcut), 1898.
Locustella locustella, Seebohm, British Birds, vol. i, pp. 340–345, pl. 10, fig. 19 (egg), 1883.

Croatian, Trotenjara kobilicarka; Czechisch, Rákosnik zeleny; Danish, Busksanger; Dutch, de Sprinkhaan-Rietzanger; French, Bec-fin locustelle; German, Heuschrecken-Rohrsänger; Hungarian, Réti tücsökmadár; Italian, Forapaglie macchiettato; Norwegian, Græshoppe-Sanger, Busk-Sanger; Polish, Trziniak swierszczyk; Russian, Swertschok; Swedish, Gräshoppsångare.


Adult Male in Spring.—The upper parts are of a uniform darkish red olive brown, each feather having a blackish brown