Page:The Brittish Princes, an Heroick Poem - Howard (1669, 1st ed).djvu/50

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The Brittish Princes,
Book 1.
A mighty Prodigy, her self creates,
And, by her Power, as soon annihilates:
The Worlds Deceiver, and its glory too,
Vertue can Raise, and it depress as low.
Too pronely Evil, whence she beares the name
Of that far-spreading mischief, Men call Fame.
Thus does my Muse, in this her story find
Fames highest Glories, with fates evils joyn'd;
While fate Bonduca's Vertues did oppose,
In Gaule, and Romes success, her mighty Foes
By Warlike Ennius, and Alvatrix led;
Who, round great London, had their Ensignes spread
Whose furious Expedition thither came,
As it surpriz'd, the hasty flight of Fame;
Having Martianus Powers, enforc'd to flight,
As he their Legions over-power'd did fight:
Until his stoutest numbers breathless lye,
T' oppose the Course of this stern Enemy;
