Page:The Broken Wing.djvu/34

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Memorial Verses
I. Ya Mahbub![1]

Are these the streets that I used to know—
Was it yesterday or æons ago?
Where are the armies that used to wait—
The pilgrims of Love—at your palace gate?
The joyous paeans that thrilled the air
The pageants that shone thro' your palace square?
And the minstrel music that used to ring
Thro' your magic kingdom . . . when you were king?

O hands that succoured a people's need
With the splendour of Haroun-al-Rasheed!

  1. "Ya Mahhub," which means O Beloved, was the device on the State banner of the late Nizam of Hyderabad, Mir Mahbub Ali Khan, the well-beloved of his people.