Page:The Californian, Volume 1 - contents.djvu/1

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Almost a Novel..... Americanism in Literature Arizona ..... Art and Artists At Agua Tibia..

Books Received.

Captain Molly... Carmelita.... Certain Phases of the Chinese Question. Clerical Tramp, A........ Clouded Crystals.

Day at an Old Mission, A.. Dramatic in My Destiny, The. Duel in the Backwoods of Alabama, A..

El Triunfo de la Cruz.. Ethics of Suicide, The.....

Field Sports in Australia. First Legislature on this Continent, The.. First Love and Last....... First Xerxes Loan Collection, The.. Fish in Season..

Glimpse of the Unusual, A.

Hawaiian Islands, The.... Hermit of Treasure Peaks, The High Jinks..... Hoodlums on a Hop Ranch. How Gardens Grow in California

Man from Georgia, The ..... Modern Author, A-William D. Howells. Mose, The Black Pioneer. Music as a Study..

          • ..

.Philip Shirley.. Edgar Fawcett. ..James Wyatt Oates.. ..Agnes M. Manning. E. M. Ludlum.... ..Mary W. Glascock.. ..John F. Miller... ..Margaret Collier Graham Kate M. Bishop...

          • .

Mary H. Field Emma Frances Dawson James Wilton..... .Theodore H. Hittell.. Albert Williams.. .R. E. Desmond.. ...W. W. Crane, Fr.... ...Kate Heath... .J. M. Davidson.... .Sam Davis.. Andrew McF. Davis. Robert Duncan Milne. Josephine Clifford. Indian Dances in Northern California. ....Lucy Sargent..... Interoceanic Canal and Geographical Congress of 1879.....Ferdinand de Lesseps. In the Lava Beds.......... Wm. M. Bunker. Ireland-Her Past and Present Condition .T. H. Highland.. Isolated Poets-Percival and Neal. John Vance Cheney. Octave Thanet. W. N. Lockington. ..W. C. Morrow..... 181334

W. C. Morrow, Fr.... ..Minnie Booth Phelps ..John Vance Cheney .Oscar Weil... ... ... ... ... .. .. 427 332 367. 571 327 573 337 536 237 150 278 434 5 554 15 344 389 394 228 454 462 373 508 313 418 171 119 464 485 161 251 166 51 42 287 85