Page:The Cambridge Carol Book.djvu/32

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For hither come are we,
To bow to Him the knee.'
This would the wise men know.
But Herod, troubled sore,
And Salem overmore,
Was minded in his fury
To fight with God, and kill,
With semblance of good-will,
The infant King of Jewry.

Ἠκρίβωσε χρόνον (December 25)

4.Then Herod straight would know
What time the star gan show
That led the Princes three
To Bethlehem, that there
With giftès, rich and rare,
The Babe might honour'd be
But, by our Lord's command,
Safe in their native land
By other road they find them.
Thus did the Kings deride
False Herod at that tide,
And left him far behind them.


1.To us this morn a Child is born,
His Father is none other
Than God the King of ev'ry thing,
Maid Mary is His Mother.

2.Her Babe is Lord by all adored;
Esaias had foreshown her:
Now came't to pass that ox and ass
Bow'd down afore their owner.