Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/487

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The Beginning of Verse, 1610-1808

Barnard, John. A New Version of the Psalms of David: Fitted to the Tunes Used in the Churches. Boston, 1752. [To be compared with The Bay Psalm Book of 1640.]

Brewster, Martha. Poems on Divers Subjects. New London, n. d. [1757].

Byles, Mather. A Poem on the Death of His Late Majesty, King George. Etc. * n. p. [Boston], n. d. [1727].

—To his Excellency Governor Belcher on the Death of his Lady: An Epistle. Boston, 1736.

—* Poems on Several Occasions. Boston, 1736.

—On the Death of the Queen; a Poem. Boston, 1738.

—The Comet. Boston, 1744.

—The Conflagration. Boston, 1744.

—Poems on Several Occasions. Boston, 1744. See, also, A Collection of Poems by Several Hands.

A Collection of Poems by Several Hands. [Byles, Green, John Adams, and others.] Boston, 1744.

Colman, Benjamin. A Poem on Elijah's Translation. * Boston, 1707. Reprinted in Kettell, I.

Green, Joseph. Entertainment for a Winter's Evening. Boston, 1750.

—A Mournful Lamentation for the Death of Mr. Old Tenor. Boston, 1750. In Kettell, I.

—The Grand Arcanum Detected; or, a Wonderful Phenomenon Explained, etc. Boston, 1755. [See, also, A Collection of Poems by Several Hands. An Entertainment, A Mournful Lamentation, the parody of a hymn by Byles, and a song, are reprinted in the appendix to Briggs's ed. of Nathaniel Ames's almanacs, p. 463. Some of Green's poems exist only in MS.]

Keimer, Samuel. An Elegy on the much Lamented Death of the Ingenious and Well-Beloved Aquila Rose, etc. * Philadelphia, 1723. Reprinted in Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania, vol. II, p. 262; also in Duyckinck, vol. I.

Knapp, Francis [ascription]. Gloria Brittannorum; or, The British Worthies. A Poem. Etc. Boston, 1723.

—Epistle to Pope on his Windsor Forest. First published in 17 15 as a prefatory poem to Windsor Forest. Reprinted in Chalmers' British Poets, vol. XII, p. 133.

Lovewell's Fight [putative title]. First printed in Farmer, J., and Moore, J. B., Collections Historical and Miscellaneous and Monthly Literary Journal. Concord. Feb., 1824, p. 64. Frequently reprinted. Kidder, P., The Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell. Boston, 1865.

Maylem, John. Gallic Perfidy; A Poem. Boston, 1758.

—The Conquest of Louisburg. Boston, 1758.

Niles, Samuel. A Brief and Plain Essay on God's Wonder-Working Providence for New England in the Reduction of Louisburg. New London, 1745.

Pietas et Gratulatio Collegii Cantabrigiensis apud Nov. Anglos. Boston, 1761.

Poems Moral and Divine. By an American Gentleman. [Anon.] London, 1756.

Poems on Several Occasions by a Gentleman of Virginia. [Anon.] Williamsburg, 1736.

Rose, Aquila. Poems on Several Occasions. Philadelphia, 1740.

Tilden, Stephen [?]. Tilden's Miscellaneous Poems on Divers Occasions; Chiefly to animate and rouse the Soldiers. * 1st ed., 1756. * 3d ed., New London, n. d. Reprinted entire in the Historical Magazine for Nov. and Dec, 1859, and Jan., 1860. Selections in Duyckinck, vol. 1.