Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/495

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Travellers and Observers, 1763-1846

Thomson, Peter G. A Bibliography of the State of Ohio . . . . Cincinnati, 1880.

Winsor, Justin. [Editor.] Narrative and Critical History of America. Boston, [1884-89]. [For books of travel, see vol. 8, pp. 489-494.]

II. Collections, etc.

Howells, William Dean, and Thomas S. Perry. [Compilers.] Library of Universal Adventure by Sea and Land. 1888.

Mereness, Newton D. [Editor.] Travels in the American Colonies. 1916.

Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Early Western Travels (1748-1846). A Series of Annotated Reprints. . . . Edited with . . . Notes and Introductions and Index. 32 vols. Cleveland, 1904-07.

—[Editor.] The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents; Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 1610-1791. . . . 73 vols. Cleveland, 1896-1901.

III. Miscellaneous

Armstrong, Emma K. . . . Chateaubriand's America. Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 15:345-370.

Bartram's Garden, Philadelphia, Pa. . . . John Bartram. . . . [Philadelphia], 1904.

Bédier, Joseph. Etudes Critiques. (Pp. 125-294: Chateaubriand en Amérique, Verité et Fiction.) Paris, 1903.

Bourne, Edward G. The Travels of Jonathan Carver. American Historical Review, 11:287-302.

Brooks, John Graham. As Others See Us. . . . 1908. [Contains a bibliography of travels.]

Chinard, Gilbert. L'Amérique et le Rève Exotique dans la Littérature Française au XVIIe et au XVIIIe Siècle. Paris, 1913.

Coleridge, Ernest Hartley. Coleridge, Wordsworth, and the American Botanist William Bartram. Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, Second Series, 17:69.

Cooper, Lane. Methods and Aims in the Study of Literature. . . . (Pp. 96-132: A Glance at Wordsworth's Reading.) Boston, 1915.

—Wordsworth Sources. Athenæum, 22 April, 1905, pp. 498 ff.

Crèvecœur, Robert de. Saint John de Crèvecœur, sa Vie et ses Ouvrages. . . . Paris, 1883.

Darlington, William. Memorials of John Bartram and Humphrey Marshall. . . . Philadelphia, 1849.

Durrie, Daniel S. Captain Jonathan Carver and the Carver Grant. Collections of the Wisconsin Historical Society (1872), 6: 220-270.

Gregory, John G. Jonathan Carver, His Travels in the Northwest, 1766-1768. Publications of the Parkman Club, No. 5. Milwaukee, 1896.

Harshberger, John W. The Botanists of Philadelphia and their Work. Philadelphia, 1899.

Hart, Albert Bushnell. American History Told by Contemporaries. Vol. II, 1899. Vol. III, 1901.

Henderson, Archibald. The Creative Forces in Western Expansion: Henderson and Boone. American Historical Review, 20: 86 ff.

Lee, John Thomas. A Bibliography of Carver's Travels. Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1909, pp. 143-183. Madison, 1910.

—Captain Jonathan Carver: Additional Data. Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1912, pp. 87-123. Madison, 1913.