Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/602

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Legaré, Hugh Swinton, 237

Legends of Sleepy Hollow, 256

Legends of the Alhambra, 249

Legends of the Thirteen Republics, 297

Legends of the West, 318

Leicester, 219, 224

Lenox, Charlotte, 217

Leonard, Daniel, 137

—W. E., 280 n.

Leonor de Guzman, 223, 224

Letter from a Gentleman at Halifax, to his Friend in Rhode Island, A, 128

Letter from Aristocles, 83 n.

Letter . . . in defence of Aristocles, 83 n.

Letter to his Countrymen, A, 294 n., 301 n., 302

Letters and Social Aims, 352

Letters from an American Farmer, 192,199

Letters from a Virginian, 136

Letters from the South, 239

Letters from Palmyra, 324

Letters from under a Bridge, 241

Letters of a Farmer in Pennsylvania, etc., 119, 120, 131-32, 140

Letters of Charles Eliot Norton, 355 n., 356 n.

Letters of Fabius, 148

Letters of the British Spy, 190, 202, 233, 236-37

Lettsom, Dr., 192

Lewis, Meriwether, 203-05, 209, 210

Lewis [R.?], 151

Liberty, 262 n., 271

Liberty and Necessity, On, 94

Liberty Tree, 167

Liberty's Call, 167

Library of Poetry and Song, 276

Life and Manners, in the West, 318

Life in Brooklyn, etc., 229

Life in New York, or The Fireman on Duty, 228

Life in the New World, 212

Life of Columbus (see Columbus), 258

Life of Mahomet, 257

Life of Washington, 252, 253, 258-59

Lifetime, A, 261 n., 271

Lincoln, 278

Linn, Elizabeth, 292

—John Blair, 165, 177

Linnæus, 186, 195

Linwoods, The, 310

Lionel Lincoln, 297, 300

Lists of New England Magazines, 120 n.

Literary History of the American Revolution, 135 n.

Literary Magazine, The, 292

Literary World, The, 239

Little Beach Bird, The, 278

Littlepage Manuscripts, 304-05

Little People of the Snow, 273, 281

Lives (Plutarch), 93

Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers, 302

Livingston, Brockholst, 246

—William, 118, 119, 121, 162

Locke, 57, 58, 66, 70 n., 81, 93, 116, 118, 329, 334

Locke Amsden, 310

Lockhart, 305

Logan, 309

Logan, C. A., 228

—James, 189

Loiterer, The, 234

London Chronicle, The, 129, 140

London Magazine, The, 121

Long, Major S. H., 205, 210

Longfellow, 166, 212, 244, 261, 262, 273, 355

Looking Glass for the Times, A, 151

Love in '76, 226

Lowell, James Russell, 241, 244, 249, 261, 268, 270, 276, 279, 282, 341, 344

Lucretius, 269

Lycidas, 274

Lyell, Sir Charles, 186, 207

Lyon, Richard, 156

Lyrical Ballads, 183, 262, 262 n.

Lytton, Lord, 243

McDonough, Thomas, 222

McFingal, 139, 171-73, 182

McKinnon, John D., 163

McLane, Louis, 250

MacDonald, W., 125 n., 130 n., 134 n., 141 n.

Madison, 146, 148, 149, 170

Madoc, 212

Mæviad, 178

Magnalia, 51

Malebranche, 58

Mallet, David, 215

Man at Home, The, 290

Mandeville, Bernard, 91

Mandeville, 292

Manners of the Times, The, 175

Manual of American Literature, A, 324 n.

Map of Virginia, etc., A, 16

Marco Bozzaris, 282

Mardi, 321

Margaret, 324

Maria's Grave, 177

Marion, Francis, 225, 315, 316

Marion, 220

Markoe, Peter, 175

Marks of a Work of the True Spirit, 62

Marmion, 220, 224, 261

Marryat, Captain, 207

Martin, Luther, 147, 148

Martin Faber, 314

Martineau, Harriet, 190, 191

Mason, George, 148

—Captain John, 24

—John, 167

—William, 178, 278

Masque of Alfred, The, 215

“Massachusettensis,” 137

Massachusetts Agents, 5