Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/604

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New York as It Is, 229

New York by Gaslight, 229

New York Merchant and His Clerks, The, 228

New York Mirror, 241, 242

New York Tribune, The, 342

Newton, 81

Nick of the Woods, 222, 319

Night Piece, 176

Niles' Weekly Register, 208

Nimphidia, 281

Noah, M. M., 220, 226, 231

Norris, John, 70 n.

North, Lord, 141, 142

North American Review, The, 208, 240 n., 262, 278, 341

Northrup, C. S., 324 n.

Norton, Charles Eliot, 354, 356

Notes on the State of Virginia, etc., 199, 201, 202

Notions of the Americans Picked up by a Travelling Bachelor, 208, 301

"Novanglus," 137

Novelists, The, 324 n.

Noyes, Rev. Nicholas, 153

Nuttall, Thomas, 189

Oakes, Rev. Urian, 153

Oak-Openings, The, 304

Objections to the proposed Federal Constitution, 148

Objections to the Taxation of Our American Colonies, etc., The, 129

Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, etc., 97

Observations leading to a Fair Examination of the System of Government proposed by the late Convention, 148

Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, etc., 147

Observations on the New Constitution, 148

Octavia Brigaldi, 224

Odds and Ends, 239

Ode on the late General Wolfe, 123

Ode on the Prospect of Peace, 177

Ode to Friendship, 176

Odell, Rev. Jonathan, 173, 174

Of Ancient and Modern Confederacies, 146

Of the Meanes of disposing the Enemies to Peace, 97

Old Bachelor, The, 237

Oldmixon, John, 26

Old Oaken Bucket, The, 279

Old South Church, 20

Oliver, Andrew, 121

Oliver Oldschool, 234

Ollapodiana, 241

Omoo, 321

On Conciliation with America, 212

On the Conqueror of America Shut up in Boston, 139

On the Death of Captain Nicholas Biddle, 183

On the Five Points of Calvinism, 66

On the Human Understanding, 57

On the Nature, Extent and Perfection of the Divine Goodness, 79

On the Prospect of Planting Arts and Learning in America, 214

On the Rise and Progress of the Differences between Great Britain and her American Colonies, 140

On the Sleep of Plants, 183

One-Hoss Shay, The, 65

Optimist, The, 244

Oralloosa, 222, 225

Original Journals (of Lewis and Clark), 205

Original Poems (Fessenden), 180

Original Poems, Serious and Entertaining, 180

Ormond, 290

Ornithology (Wilson), 180

Orphan, The, 117

Orphic Sayings, 341

Osawattomie Brown, 227

Ossian, 177

Ossoli, Marquis, 343

Othello, 225

Otis, James, 30

—James, Jr., 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131

Otway, 116, 117

Ouabi, or the Virtues of Nature, 178

Over-Soul, The, 336, 352

Ovid, 116

Owen, Robert, 339

—Robert Dale, 225

Paine, Robert Treat, Jr., 178-79

—Thomas, 74, 77, 91, 99, 102, 123, 140, 141, 142, 144, 167

Pamela, 64, 284

Pamphlets on the Constitution, 148 n.

Papers on Literature and Art, 343

Paradise Lost, 265, 274

Pardey, Henry O., 230

Parker, Theodore, 333, 340, 344-45, 347

Parkinson, Richard, 190, 206

Parks, William, 117

Parmenius, Stephen, 3

Parnassus, 276

Parnell, Thomas, 177

Partisan, The, 314, 315

Partisan Leader, 312

Past, The, 270

Pathfinder, The, 209, 303

Patriot's Appeal, 167

Paul and Alexis, 231

Paul Jones, The, 183

Paulding, James Kirke, 208, 238-239, 240, 247, 262, 278, 307, 308, 310, 311, 319

Pauw, 188, 207

Payne, John Howard, 220, 224, 231

Peabody, Elizabeth, 333, 341

—Sophia, 333