Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/122

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io6 Writers on American History stories. It was slightly esteemed by educated men of the day but was acceptable to the unsophisticated. Except as a curi- osity, it is beneath contempt or criticism. Of the state histories that appeared in this period a few are worthy of mention. Jeremy Belknap (1744-98) wrote a His- tory oj New Hampshire (three volumes, 1784-92), which is of the first rank in our historical compositions. Had its theme been more extended, it would have become a household memory in the country. Benjamin Trumbull's (i 735-1 820) History of Connecticut (2 vols., 1818) and Robert Proud's (1728-1813) History oj Pennsylvania (2 vols., 1797-98) were of scholarly standards but heavy in style. George Richards Minot (1758- 1802), a briUiant Massachusetts lawyer, wrote a History of the Insurrection in Massachusetts (1788), dealing with Shays' Rebellion, and followed it by a continuation of Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts (2 vols., 1 798-1 803). The books were weU written and have maintained their credit. Here should be mentioned Henry M. Brackenridge's (1786-1871) History of the Western Insurrection (18 17), a fair-minded narrative of the Whisky Insurrection, which was very pop- ular and ran through several editions. Three Southern books which may here be spoken of are hardly up to the standard of the state histories. Dr. Ramsay's History of South Carolina (2 vols., 1809) was not equal to his work on the Revolution. John D. Burk (d. 1808) wrote a less valu- able work in his History of Virginia (3 vols., 1804-05),* He was an ardent Republican who rhapsodized on liberty. Dr. Hugh Williamson (1735-1819), who wrote a History of North Carolina (2 vols., 1812), was a Pennsylvanian by birth, clergy- man and physician by education, merchant and politician by necessity. He lived a while in Edenton, North Carolina, was elected a member of the Continental Congress, and served in the Constitutional Convention. In 1793 he removed to New York, where he acquired a high"reputation for learning. His history, however, was thin and disappointing. These men worked under the disadvantage that they were writing at a time when the minds of the people were absorbed with the struggle for national existence. Ebenezer Hazard, in 1779, described the situation as follows: ' After his death the book was continued in a fourth volume.