Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/13

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CHAPTER XVIII PRESCOTT AND MOTLEY By Ruth Putnam. page I. Prescott. Youth. Ill Health. Self-training. Choice of a Spanish Theme. Ferdinand and Isabella. Its Reception. The Conquest of Mexico. The Conquest of Peru. Philip II. Style and Methods. His Aloofness from Current Affairs. II. Motley. Youthful Energy. Studies in Germany. Novels. St. Petersburg. Massachusetts Legislature. The Rise of the Dutch Republic. Its .Reception and Influ- ence. Dutch and Belgian Critics. The United Netherlands. Its Critics. The Causes of the Civil War. Vienna. Resignation. John of Barne- ve'ld. Court of St. James. Autobiographical Colouring in Motley's Histories. Sectarian Animosities . . ... 123 CHAPTER XIX EARLY HUMORISTS By Will D. Howe, Ph.D., Professor of English in Indiana University. Two Forms of American Humour: Classical and Native. Colonial Humor- ists. Revolutionary Satirists. The New Humour of the Thirties. Seba Smith. "Jack Downing." Haliburton. David Crockett. Longstreet. Georgia Scenes. W. T. Thompson. Hooper. Charles Henry Smith. "Bill Arp. " Bagby. Harris. Prentice. Baldwin. The Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi. Mrs. Whitcher. "The Widow Bedott. " Cozzens. Goodrich. Wise. Thorpe. Hammett. McConnel. Shillaber. "Mrs. Partington." Halpine. "Miles O'Reilly." Mortimer Thompson. Newell. "Orpheus C. Kerr." Derby. "John Phoenix." Shaw. "Josh Billings." Locke. "Pe- troleum V. Nasby. " Browne. " Artemus Ward. " . 148 CHAPTER XX MAGAZINES, ANNUALS, AND GIFT-BOOKS, 1783-1850 By William B. Cairns, Ph.D., Associate Professor of American Literature in the University of Wisconsin. I. Magazines. Experiments before 1815. Publishing Centres. Sal- magundi. The Literary Magazine. The Port Folio. The Monthly Anthology. After the War of 1812. South and West. Types. New England. The North American Review. The Dial. New York. The Knickerbocker Magazine. The Knickerbocker Gallery. Philadelphia. Graham's Magazine. Godey's Lady's Book. The South. The Southern Literary Messenger. The West. II. Annuals and Gift-Books. Characteristics. The Atlantic Souvenir. Engravers. Cheney. Sar- tain. Ritchie. The Token. Religious Annuals. The Talisman. The Boston Book. The Liberty Bell. Miscellaneous. . 160 CHAPTER XXI NEWSPAPERS, 1775-1860 By Frank W. Scott, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English in the University of Illinois. Revolutionary Newspapers. The Pennsylvania Packet — the first daily Newspaper. Development after the War. The Farmers' Museum. Reporters Admitted to the Debates in Congress. Partisan Bitterness. ■>!