Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/15

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PAGE Leaves of Grass (185$). Its Reception. Lectures. New Friends. The Civil War. Drum-Taps. Democratic Vistas. The Good Gray Poet. Foreign Reputation. Specimen Days and Collect. November Boughs. Later Friends. Influence of Whitman. ...... 258 CHAPTER II , POETS OF THE CIVIL WAR I: THE NORTH By Will D. Howe. The Mood of the North. Effect upon the Poets. H. H. Brownell. Boker. Bayard Taylor. Read. Melville. Halpine. The Events of the Con- flict Traced in Contemporary Poems. John Brown. Secession. The Call to Arms. The Earliest Fighting in Virginia. The War in the West. Willson. The Cumberland and Merrimac. The Capture of New Orleans. Emancipation. Gettysburg. Grant and His Career. Black Soldiers. Sherman. The Fall of Richmond. Songs of the Soldiers. Civil Matters. Peace. Lincoln ... . 275 CHAPTER III POETS OF THE CIVIL WAR H: THE SOUTH By Edwin Mims, Ph.D., Professor of English in Vanderbilt University. Southern Poetry before the War. Pinkney. Wilde. The Outbreak of Hostilities. Soldier Poets. Dixie. The Bonnie Blue Flag. Charles- ton and Its Poets. Simms. Hayne. Timrod. The Cotton Boll. Ethnogenesis. Randall. My Maryland. Songs of the Soldiers. An- thologies. Prank Moore. R. G. White. War Songs and Lyrics of the South. Emily V. Mason. Simms. Sallie A. Brock. Davidson. Living Writers of the South. F.P.Browne. Later Anthologies. Value and Interest of these Poems. The Events of the Conflict. The War in Virginia. The West. The Mississippi. The Death of Stonewall Jackson. The Attack on Charleston. Sherman's March. Peace. Resignation. Ode Sung at Magnolia Cemetery. The Poets after the War 288 CHAPTER IV THE NEW SOUTH: LANIER By Dudley Miles, Ph.D., Chairman of the Department of English "in the Evander Childs High School, New York City. Conditions of Literature during Reconstruction. Susan Dabney Smedes. Survivors of the Old School. Cooke. Bagby. Johnston. Jones. Vance. Hill. Gordon. Lamar. Curry. The New South. Grady. Booker T. Washington. The Poets. Carlyle McKinley. Tabb. Boner. Wilson. Lanier. Youth and Education. The Confederate Army. Tiger Lilies. Law. Music. The Peabody Orchestra. Poems (1877). Johns Hopkins. Death. Hackwork. Critical Writings. Shakespeare and His Forerunners. The English Novel. The Science of English Verse. Letters. Qualities of his Poetry. Elaboration. Music and Metrics. Didacticism. Idealism. Ideas of Love and Nature. Fidelity to his Section, The Voice of the New South . . 313