Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/201

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Improvement in Newspaper Manners 185 exemplified the improvement in tone and illustrated the grow- ing importance of editorial writing, as did a dozen or more papers in the early decades of the century. Indeed the problem most seriously discussed at the earliest state meetings of editors and publishers, held in the thirties, was that of im- proving the tone of the press. They tried to attain by joint resolution a degree of editorial self-restraint which few in- dividual editors had as yet acquired. Under the influence of Thomas Ritchie, vigorous and unsparing political editor but always a gentleman, who presided at the first meeting of Virginia journalists, the newspaper men in one state after another resolved to " abandon the infamous practice of pam- pering the vilest of appetites by violating the sanctity of private life, and indulging in gross personalities and indecorous language," and to "conduct all controversies between them- selves with decency, decorum, and moderation." Ritchie found in the low tone of the newspapers a reason why journaHsm in America did not occupy as high a place in public regard as it did in England and France. The editorial page was assuming something of its modern form. The editorial signed with a pseudonym gradually passed away, but unsigned editorial com- ment and leading articles did not become an established feature until after 1814, when Nathan Hale made them a characteristic of the newly established Boston Daily Advertiser. From that time on they grew in importance until in the succeeding period of personal journalism they were the most vital part of the greater papers. As the magazines were still few and offered poor pay, if any at aU, the newspaper became the means of support of innumer- able authors, and even in this age of the political press there were as many literary as political editors. In contrast with the situation today, when the magazines are generally conducted by men whose tastes and ideals have been formed in jour- nalism rather than in literature, and assume more and more the characteristics of timeliness, until the middle of the century the newspapers owed their character to men of literary tastes and pursuits. When Bennett the elder referred slurringly to the "poets of the Post" and the Post declared that Bennett was not a journalist, a momentous divergence and change of ideals was indicated.