Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/224

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208 Divines and Moralists, 1783-1860 ity" continued to flourish, until in 1805 the Rev. Henry Ware, an outspoken Unitarian, was appointed to the Hollis Pro- fessorship of Divinity in Harvard College. This invasion of the school whose initial purpose had been the production of Congregational ministers roused the Congregationalists of every shade of opinion to the defence of their discipline; and from extreme Hopkinsians to moderate Calvinists, they com- bined to establish at Andover a new theological seminary, which was opened in 1808. During the era of orthodoxy Andover Seminary published The Andover Review, and had its famous teachers, such as Leonard Woods, Moses Stuart, Austen Phelps, and Edwards A. Park; yet in the course of time even this stronghold yielded to the irresistible trend toward liberalism. In 1886, five of its professors who had published a volume of advanced theological thought were tried for heresy, and acquitted. The legal pro- ceedings for their removal also failed. By a bit of historical irony, the cotmsel for the defence was Theodore William Dwight, a grandson of Timothy. In 1908, the wheel having come full circle, Andover Seminary removed to Cambridge and became affiliated with Harvard University. The Princeton Theological Seminary, founded by the Pres- byterian branch of the Calvinists, was opened in 18 12, and had its strong men also: Archibald Alexander (i 772-1 851) and his sons James W. (1804-59) and Joseph A. Alexander (1809-60); Charles Hodge (1797-1878), who in 1825 estab- lished the organ of the Seminary, afterwards named The Princeton Review; and James McCosh (1811-94), President of Princeton CoUege 1868-88. Princeton has always re- mained Presbyterian. These conservative reactions in the early nineteenth century widened the cleavage between the Calvinists and the Unitarians, which by 1819 had become so marked that William EUery Channing, who in that year preached the ordination sermon of Jared Sparks at Baltimore, adopted for it the title Unitarian Christianity. Thenceforth the separate establishment of the Unitarians was unquestioned. As Channing' was their great mild preacher, so Andrews Norton was their hard-headed champion. Descended from ' See Book II, Chap. vin.