Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/285

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In the Civil War 269 lications, a feat which his method of grouping has rendered rather difficult ; for he was a growth, as his poems were, in which a heroic and loving soul gradually freed itself from the passions of a very human and earthly body. His reaction from the asceticism of his adolescence was strong, tumultuous, almost tragic, but it was only a reaction ; and when the war had passed over him with its purification and its pain, and when he had suffered severely in his personal affections, he sang more and more of the soul. Whitman's optimistic faith in democracy was put to the severest possible test by the outbreak of the Civil War. But he did not come into personal touch with its heroic and pathetic sides until, in December, 1862, he went down to the front at Fredericksburg to look after his younger brother, an officer in a volunteer regiment, who had received a slight wound in battle. Shortly after the outbreak of hostilities Whitman had begun writing (June, i86i) for the weekly Brooklyn Standard a serial history of the city, entitled Brooklyniana, based on his own re- miniscences, his conversations with older citizens, and his rather desultory historical reading. He had likewise been composing a few of the vivid war poems in Drum-Taps. But as the war became more serious he suspended this writing and took a loitering trip through many of his old haunts on Long Island, fishing, sailing, meeting people in the unceremonious manner of the country, and doubtless pondering the gloomy problems of the war. The early Whitman, so inadequately reported in the biographies, was preparing to give place to the well-known serious and noble Whitman of the Washington hospitals; and this leisurely visit was, one chooses to think, a farewell to the light-hearted irresponsibility of his protracted youth. Return- ing to Brooklyn in the fall, he took up the Brooklyniana again and occupied himself with it almost until the accident to George Whitman called him to the Virginia battle-field. Thence he casually drifted into the finest emplojmient of his life, that of caring for sick and wounded soldiers on the field and, especially, in the many military hospitals in and about Washing- ton. He lived frugally, supporting himself for a time by doing copying' and by contributing wonderfully vivid sketches of his ' It is probable that Whitman had been reduced to the necessity of doing copy- ing before, for the Brooklyn city directory (Lain) for i860 gives "Walt Whitman, copyist."