Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/287

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Later Years 271 staunch friends, however, Whitman was soon settled, for the eight following years, in a comfortable clerkship in the Attorney-General's Department. Another close friend and enthusiastic disciple then and later was John Burroughs, who published in 1867 the first biographical and critical study of the poet. An attachment more similar to those of the New York days was Whitman's singular friendship for Pete Doyle, an un- schooled young Confederate soldier, now a street-car conductor, with whom, notwithstanding the disparity in their ages and in- terests, the poet spent much of his leisure time. To him Whit- man wrote the letters which were, after his death, published by one of his literary executors under the appropriate title Calamus. But this comfortable and congenial life was destined to a sud- den end. Just when Whitman was beginning to make literary friends abroad — Rudolf Schmidt in Denmark, Freiligrath in Ger- many, Madame Blanc in France, Edward Dowden in Ireland, and in England William Rossetti, Swinburne,' Robert Bu- chanan, Roden Noel, John Addington Symonds, Tennyson, and Anne Gilchrist — and when he was beginning to become some- what favourably known abroad through Rossetti's expurgated selection, Poems by Walt Whitman (1868), and through frag- mentary translations in Continental countries, an attack of paralysis (January, 1873) compelled him first to suspend and finally to give up his clerical work. Taking his savings, enough to tide him over the first few years of invalidism, he went to live with his brother. Colonel George Whitman, in Camden, New Jersey. A leistu-ely trip to Colorado in 1879, a longer one to Canada in the following year, and various briefer visits and lectvtre journeys — now to New York, now to visit his friend Bur- roughs at his home on the Hudson, now to his own Long Island birthplace, but oftenest to recuperate and to write charming nature descriptions at his retreat on Timber Creek — except for these furloughs Whitman was to spend the remainder of his days, and to be buried, in Camden. In March, 1884, he bought a little house (328 Mickle Street, now 330) with the proceeds from the very successful Philadelphia edition of the Leaves in 1882. i This period, the final act of Whitman 's unique life, was natur- ' Swinburne, who had in Songs before Sunrise hailed Whitman as a new force in literature, considerably retracted his praise in later publications.